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The Orders Indirect Objects Rules: An indirect object coexists with a direct object, answering the questions to whom,

for whom, of whom, to what, for what, or of what. Indirect objects precede direct objects. Examples: The Order of the Phoenix ga e Harry protection. !The Order gave what? Protection = direct object. The Order gave protection to whom? Harry = indirect object." #red handed Ron the end of the extendab$e ear. !#red did not hand %on. &e handed to Ron the extendab$e ear." 'o$$( made the boys brea)fast. !'o$$( did not turn the bo(s into brea)fast* +he made breakfast, the direct object, for the boys, the indirect object. Exercise: Identify and underline the indirect objects in the following paragraph. The Order of the Phoenix met at ,- .rimmau$d P$ace, +irius/ inherited home. 0nowing their $ocation was c$andestine ga e e er(bod( comfort and the capacit( to re$ax s$ight$(. &owe er, the ei$ing of their meeting p$ace was not the on$( secret )eeping happening. &arr( a$$owed himse$f a deep breath before wa$)ing into the room. 'o$$(, Arthur, +irius, and few others ga e &arr( a $oo) of aw)wardness, and &arr( )new the( were )eeping information from him. 1ater on that da(, the bo(s decided to ea esdrop. #red handed the group one end of the magica$$( extending ear that wou$d he$p them $isten e en f$oors up. %on began to spea), and &ermione ga e him a disappro ing $oo)2 the( needed si$ence. &arr( cou$d hear ta$) of a weapon, but that was a$$. 3espite fee$ing $i)e he was in the dar), &arr( $o ed being a part of the Order. 3umb$edore origina$$( pro ided innocent peop$e the Order of the Phoenix to fight for and defend goodness. 'an( ga e the Order/s cause their $i es, and it was a nob$e thing to do. &arr( thought about this bra e $egac( as 'o$$( coo)ed them dinner. &e )new that he needed to gi e his $o ed ones his best. 1ater that (ear, &arr( wou$d ref$ect A$bus/ actions and wou$d bui$d 3umb$edore an arm(, his own sort of Order, to fight against 4o$demort.

Answer Key: The Order of the Phoenix met at ,- .rimmau$d P$ace, +irius/ inherited home. 0nowing their $ocation was c$andestine ga e e er(bod( comfort and the capacit( to re$ax s$ight$(. &owe er, the ei$ing of their meeting p$ace was not the on$( secret )eeping happening. &arr( a$$owed himse$f a deep breath before wa$)ing into the room. 'o$$(, Arthur, +irius, and few others ga e &arr( a $oo) of aw)wardness, and &arr( )new the( were )eeping information from him. 1ater on that da(, the bo(s decided to ea esdrop. #red handed the group one end of the magica$$( extending ear that wou$d he$p them $isten e en f$oors up. %on began to spea), and &ermione ga e him a disappro ing $oo)2 the( needed si$ence. &arr( cou$d hear ta$) of a weapon, but that was a$$. 3espite fee$ing $i)e he was in the dar), &arr( $o ed being a part of the Order. 3umb$edore origina$$( pro ided innocent peop$e the Order of the Phoenix to fight for and defend goodness. 'an( ga e the Order/s cause their $i es, and it was a nob$e thing to do. &arr( thought about this bra e $egac( as 'o$$( coo)ed them dinner. &e )new that he needed to gi e his $o ed ones his best. 1ater that (ear, &arr( wou$d ref$ect A$bus/ actions and wou$d bui$d 3umb$edore an arm(, his own sort of Order, to fight against 4o$demort.

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