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Guided Reading Lesson Plan

You will create a guided reading lesson plan appropriate for students in second through fifth grade. Begin by choosing the level of reader (transitional, self-extending, or advanced). Consider the characteristics of those readers when planning your lesson. (1) Description of Reading Group Include the grade level (2nd through 5th) as well as the reading level (transitional, self-extending, or advanced). The students are all in the 5th grade. One student is at the transitional reading level. Another student is at the self-extending reading level. Two of the students are both at an advanced reading level.

(2) Quality literature- Include the title, author, genre, a short summary in your own words, and the readability of the text. Bud, Not Buddy by: Christopher Paul Curtis. Genre: Historical fiction Summary: Bud, Not Buddy takes place in 1936 in Michigan. The book is about a 10 year old African American boy named Bud that sets out to find his father. He believes that is father is Herman E. Calloway who is in a band called the Dusky Devastators of the Depression. Once Bud finds Herman E. Calloway he doesnt receive the warm welcomed that he had imagined. Eventually he learns that Herman E. Calloway is he grandfather. Readability of the text: For the most part, the students are able to read Bud, Not Buddy fluently. They do have some problems with some of the words and some of the phrases in the book. This is why I found it important to go over idioms with the students. This way they could better understand some of the conversations that are occurring in the text. (3) Lesson focus Describe the strategy/skill that you are targeting. The lesson is focused on idioms. The students should be able to locate an idiom in the text and be able to give the idioms literal meaning.

(4) Formative assessment- Describe how you will assess students during the guided reading lesson. What behaviors will indicate that your students get it? What behaviors might indicate that they need further instruction? I will assess the students by observation. I will have them vocally answer questions and I will have them provide written responses. I will be able to tell if the students understand by how actively involved they are in the discussion. I will also be able to tell by the written responses that they provide. I will be able to observe if the students are having difficulties by their responses are lack of response to the discussion and by the written responses they provide.

Title: Bud, Not Buddy: Idioms Date(s): March 5, 2014


Genre: Historical Fiction

Level: 5th Grade





Suggested Teaching Points

Activate/Provide background Help students make connections Share thinking Make predictions New vocabulary Draw attention to text features Hear and say new lang. structures Reveal structure of the text /genre Writers craft to support analysis Authors accuracy or authenticity of text Demonstrate, prompt for, or reinforce the effective use of processing strategies word solving, searching for and using information, maintaining fluency, detecting and correcting errors, summarizing, and adjusting reading. Prompt for fluency and phrasing. Gather evidence of comprehension by observing what students say about the text. Invite students to pose questions and clarify their understanding. Help students learn to discuss the meaning of the text together. Extend students expression of understandings through questioning, summarizing, restating, and adding to their comments. Revisit the text to demonstrate, reinforce, or provide explicit instruction of strategic actions.

Today we are going to discuss idioms. Does anyone know what idioms are? If so can you give an example? (if no one responds then I will give a brief definition of an idiom and will provide them with an example) Even if the students do understand I will give examples to activate prior knowledge. This way they shouldnt have any problems recognizing idioms during the rest of the lesson. After the examples I will explain that there are tons of idioms in their book, Bud Not Buddy. I will pass out the worksheet to each student.


Reading the Text

Each student will take a turn reading the text. I will be observing their ability to read the text fluently. They should have already read this text so this should be a repeated reading. After the student has completed the passage I will ask everyone to locate the idiom. They will be allowed to underline or highlight what they think the idiom is.


Within Should be able to find the idiom within the text.



Can they interpret the literal meaning of the idiom?

Discuss why this phrase is an idiom.

Teaching for Processing Strategies

Solving Words Monitoring and checking Search for/ use information Summarizing Maintaining fluency Adjusting Reading

Predicting Making connections Synthesizing Inferring

Analyzing Critiquing


Use writing, drawing, or extended talk to explore any aspect of understanding the text. Teach word analysis, letter-sound relationships, analogies, or breaking words apart. (text specific/not word study)

I will have the students complete one example on their own. Each will read the passage silently and then go through the process of finding the idiom, writing what they think the idiom means and then the literal meaning of the idiom. I will only do this if a student is having difficulty while reading the passage. I will help them out and then after the lesson is complete go back and work with that student and the part of the passage that they had the most trouble with.


Word Work

Title: Bud, Not Buddy: Idioms Date(s): March 5, 2014 Teacher: Ms. Smith

Genre: Historical Fiction

Level: 5th Grade





Group Members: Fifth graders: 2 females and 2 males.

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