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Summary Sheet

Academic Content

Artifact A*

Resume Development

Co-Curricular Content

Artifact B*

Mission Statements

1) Higher Education Law (SDAD 580)

-Law Case Analysis Paper

2) Student Development Capstone Seminar (SDAD 579)
-Identity & Leadership Paper

3) Multicultural Perspectives (EDUC 515)
-Mi Testimonio Poem
Best Presentation
-The American Community College (SDAD 559)
Access, Equity, & Diversity Presentation
Beyond Campus- Jesuit Context and Commitment
-Internship in Student Development (SDAD 566)
Networking: A Skill for Life Presentation

Artifact F*

Letters of Promise

Artifact G

Research/Programming Development
-Internship in Student Development (SDAD 566)
TRiO Internship Seminar

Artifact H*

ACPA/NASPA Competencies

Artifact I*

5 Year Professional Development and Action Plan

Artifact J

Distinctive Contribution
-Internship in Student Development (SDAD 564/565)
Career Development Curriculum Presentation

Artifact K

Portfolio Reflection and Self-Assessment

Artifact C

Artifact D
Artifact E

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