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3 Interview

The interview session is a good opportunity for me to meet with the school administrators, teachers, students and other staffs in school. Through the interview process I can interact with people that different position in school and understand the school management, organization and environment with thorough. First of all, my school principal really busy with his school affairs, but when I interview the school principal, he was willing to accept the interview. The school principal is friendly, patient, polite and helpful. I discover his virtue after I had interacted with him. The ways of the principal answer my survey question and his positive attitude are worth for me to learn from him. He is a good model for the teachers and students in the school. Secondly, through the interview with the school principal I discover the school is using the difference method to enhance students learning ability. S chool would give opportunity for the students who are excellent in academic or co-curriculum to participate the competition in school or outside the school. On the other hand, school would provide the remedial class for the slow learners or students who are not really good in their academic and the teacher would teach them. At least this can make sure they can grasp the basis knowledge that they had learnt in school. Furthermore, if there is improvement among them, school will award a certificate for them to encourage them to continue their efforts. The school really appreciates their every students, school gives opportunity for the students who are good in academic to show their talent and on the

other hand, school also help the students who are not really good in academic to excavate their potential. Thirdly, the school administrators play an important role to co-ordination the school management. Without them the school cannot develop with smoothly in all aspects. For example, the position of the Penyelia Pelajaran in school need to check the attendance and arrange the substitute timetable to replace the lecture of the teachers who are absent on that day. So, the teacher who handles the job to arrange the timetable has to learn to be alternative and solve the problems that come suddenly as soon as possible. Fourthly, through the interview to the teachers I learn some teaching method that I have not learned or discover before. The teachers in school do not selfish, they willing to share their teaching experience and the method to handle the class discipline to me. For example, they encourage and agree with the use of multimedia facility in the teaching and learning process to attract students attention in the lecture and enhance students interest in the learning process. They also share their best teaching methods that lead their students can master the subject that had taught. Other than that, the teachers also told me that the curriculum in KSSR is tough and tend to higher order thinking skill teaching method. This phenomenon shows that the education in our country is trying hard to step to the path of world education in the future. Fifthly, school need to solve students discipline problem that occurs every day in school. The common discipline problem is the students do not want to complete their homework that given by their teachers. The best way to solve this problem is parents

must co-operate with school to solve the problems. The discipline teacher told me that the best way to solve the students discipline problem is contact students parent to come to school to discuss with them about the problem. The discipline teacher told me that the co-operation between school and parents to solve students discipline problem is really important. If there is one party does not want to co-operate the students discipline problem is hard to overcome. This is because school and parents play an important role to help the students in their growing process and make sure the students can develop toward the positive way. As a conclusion, the interaction with the school administrators, teachers and staffs can gain the invaluable experience that I cannot get from the books. Only the good management in school and the good teachers in school can help the students to enhance their learning ability and lead them to the healthy development in their growing process.

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