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South Florida Autism Charter Schools, Inc.

13835 N.W. 97 Avenue, Hialeah, Florida 33018

PH (305) 823-2700 * FX (305) 823-2705 *

SFACS is a non-profit organization.
TAX ID #26-3880489

Please support my school!
Dear Fami ly and Fri ends,
lease help SlACS by supporLlng Lhe !
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We are so graLeful LhaL our chlld aLLends SlACS. 1hls speclal school provldes Lhe educaLlonal and
LherapeuLlc servlces LhaL our chlld really needs Lo Lhrlve - and Lhey do Lhls free of charge!
Classroom slzes are small, wlLh a 3:1 sLudenL-Lo-Leacher raLlo, and Lhe enLlre sLaff ls well Lralned.
More lmporLanL, Lhey love Lhe chlldren and care abouL Lhem as much as we do!
SlACS ls a blg parL of our fuLure, slnce Lhe school hopes Lo evenLually grow and offer more servlces,
lncludlng communlLy ouLreach and adulL programs. 1hls ls very lmporLanL Lo our famlly.
lease help us help SlACS reach Lhelr goals. ?our small donaLlon can go a long way, and lL ls Lax-
deducLlble. Checks can be senL Lo Lhe address below (please wrlLe our chlld's name ln Lhe memo
secLlon), or vlslL Lo make an onllne donaLlon (under 1LAM
1hank you for your supporL!
The Gongee Family

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