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Works Cited Harvard University. "Harvard University Exposure Control Plan." Harvard Campus Serviced.

The University of Harvard, 201 . We!. " #pr. 201 . $http%&&'''*contro(*p(an*(on+'ood.pdf,. -n this document Harvard.s environmenta( and hea(th department discusses that% -n 1//1 the 0ccupationa( Safety and Hea(th #dministration 10SH#2 issued a standard on 0ccupationa( 3)posure to 4(ood!orne 5atho+ens. -ts purpose is to ensure that 'orkers are protected from e)posure to the Human -mmunodeficiency 6irus 1H-62, Hepatitis 4 6irus 1H462, and other disease causin+ or+anisms in human !(ood, !ody f(uids, and tissues. The Harvard University 4iosafety 0ffice has prepared this manua( to !e used as a +uide in deve(opin+ a site7 specific p(an for reducin+ e)posures to !(ood!orne patho+ens in your 'orkp(ace. -t a(so summari8es pertinent Harvard University 5o(icies and 5rocedures.

Huyah, 9ancy. "Does Sugar Really Make Children Hyper?" :a(e Scientific ;a+a8ine. The University of :a(e, 1 Sept. 2010. We!. 0< #pr. 201 . $http%&&'''.ya(escientific.or+&2010&0/&myth!usters7does7su+ar7rea((y7make7chi(dren7 hyper&,.This research focuses and studies the components of !(ood in re(ation to su+ar. The researcher (ooks at the =uestion of "does su+ar rea((y make a kid hyper">. She ans'ers these =uestion !y studyin+ (actate (eve(s in chi(dren and ho' "su+ar !(ood" affects the !rain and the !ody.

"Research." 0re+on Hea(th ? Science University. 9.p., n.d. We!. 0< #pr. 201 . $http%&&'''!(ood7!rain7

!arrier&research&inde).cfm,.Here the 0HSU 4(ood74rain 4arrier and 9euro70nco(o+y pro+ram sho's their patient7oriented research in a(( aspects of ima+in+ and therapy of !rain tumors. This site a(so sho's discoveries from the 444 pro+ram that created hope for detection and treatment of horri!(e cancers that p(a+ue our nation. 444 states that their +oa( is to trans(ate cuttin+7ed+e research from the !enchtop to the c(inic to improve neuro7onco(o+ica( outcomes for patients.

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