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The Important Of A Sound And Healthy Mind

Learning Outcomes
State what mind is Identify factors that affect the mind Explain how substance abuse can affect the mind Justify the importance of a healthy and sound mind

The mind is the ability of the brain to think and judge A healthy mind enables a person to make logical judgement before he acts A persons mind determines his emotions and behaviour A person with a healthy mind will show characteristics such as positive thinking, independent, caring and responsible. A person with a unhealthy mind will show characteristics such as short tempered, feel worried easily and find it difficult to control emotion

Factors That Affect The Mind

External factors 1)Sosial factors: -Family and peers 2)Environment condition: -Weather and temperature Internal factors

3)Mental stress: -Caused by sad Experiences like the death of someone close

1) Brain injury: Accident 2) Disease: Gastritis 3) Hormone imbalance: Lack of thyroid hormone 4) Drug abuse: Hallucinate 5) Excessive consumption of alcohol: Person can not think logically





Learning Outcomes
State what gene, deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) and chromosome are Describe the relationship between gene, DNA and chromosome

We inherit some of our parents characteristics. The passing down of characteristics or trait from parents to offspring is known as heredity. Heredity is controlled by gene.

Gene = Units of inheritance that determine the characteristics of an individual. Found in long molecules called deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA)

Deoxyribonucleic Acids (DNA)

There are thousand of genes in a DNA molecule. DNA molecules are found as thread-like structures called chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell.

Each chromosomes contains a long DNA molecule envelope by protein.
Chromosomes exist in pairs, as do gene. Each pair of genes controls one characteristics of an individual

Earth = Nucleus Country = Chromosome State = DNA People = Gene

The nucleus undergoes division to produce gametes and for growth. 2 types of cell division: - Mitosis ( for growth) - Meiosis ( For the production of gametes)

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