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Who was the second Indian Woman to travel in space? 1. 3. Kalpana Chalva Kalpana Sharma 2. 4.

Sunitha William None

The ratio o pure !old in 1" carat !old is 1. 3. #$% "$% 2. 4. &'% 1$$%

Which o the ollowin! is invented () *.C. +ose ? 1. 3. Telescope +aro!raph 2. 4. ,icroscope Cresco -raph

What was the name o inau!ural stadium at! or /l)mpics? 1. 3. +ird Nest National Stadium /l)mpics 0illa!e 2. 4.! Central Stadium Tia1ine National Stadium

What is the smallest planet? 1. 3. 2luto 0enus 2. 4. Neptune ,ercur)

Who was the irst 3ome ,inister o India? 1. 3. +a(u 4a.endra 2radesh *awahar lal Nehru 2. 4. Sardar 0alla(hai 2atel S. 4adha Krishnan

1. Which of the following tournament is not a Grand Slam (Tennis)?` Australia Wimbledon

Davis Cup French Open Question: What is the full form of the "APJ" in Dr. alam!s name" Ahmed Panth#a#ala Jain Avul Pa$ir Jainulabdeen Ali Ponnus#am% Jampiru A$bar Panneer Jalant W&'C& (A)* P+,-'(&'./ .*W(PAP*0( '. 1O0* -A./+A/*(" A2 )A1'uestion: Who #as the 3st OD' captain for 'ndia" A4it Wade$ar

,ishen (in5h ,edi .a#ab Pataudi 6inoo 1an$ad-.AD+ ,2A.D&0A P0AD*(& C2O0'((A D21A&A0A()&)0A #ho #rote the boo$ !na5as! " a2robin sharma b2chetan ba5ath c2amith thripati d2r.$ nara%an
who is known as the editor-in-chief and ounder of Wi5i6ea5s a7mar5 lam(er! (7

Julian Assange c)edward snow den

Daniel Domscheit-Berg 8uestion9 Aishwarya Rai was crowned Miss World in which year? 1 1!!" " 1!!# # 1!!$ $ 1!!% uestion9 Who was the 1st &D' ca(tain for 'ndia? 1 A)it Wadekar " Bishen *ingh Bedi # +awa, -ataudi $ .inoo Mankad

/uestion0 What is the full form of the 1A-J1 in Dr 2alam3s name? Ahmed -anthwawala Jain A4ul -akir Jainula,deen Ali -onnuswamy Jam(iru Ak,ar -anneer Jalant
8uestion9 What scientist disco4ered the radioacti4e element radium? 1 'saac +ewton " Al,ert 5instein # Ben)amin 6ranklin $ Marie 7urie

/uestion0 What scientist disco4ered the radioacti4e element radium? 'saac +ewton Al,ert 5instein

Ben)amin 6ranklin Marie 7urie

ABR5.A8'&+ &6 7A9? A)7&M-:85R A'D5D 9RA-;&7* B) 7&+8R&<<5R A+D A:D'8 95+5RA< 7)8uestion9 &ne of these countries does not ha4e the ru(ee as its currency Which one?
1 *ri <anka " *eychelles # 'ndia $ Bangladesh

8uestion9 Where is the head=uarters of Microsoft located? 1 *anta 7lara> 7alifornia " 8ucson> Ari?ona # Richmond> .irginia $ Redmond> Washington n9 8he 1;ouse of <ac1 was ,uilt ,y @@@@@@@@@@@@@ ? 1 *hakuni " -anda4as # -urochana $ Duryodhana

Correct Answer
8uestion9 Duryodhana had a son who fought in the war What was his name? 1 Rama " <aAman # Durmukh $ Dur4asa 8uestion9 What are three ty(es of lasers? 1 9as> metal 4a(or> rock " -ointer> diode> 7D # Diode> in4erted> (ointer $ 9as> solid state> diode 8uestion9 What cro( is +&8 culti4ated in 9oa? 1 7oconut " Rice # 7orn $ Areca 8uestion9 8he name 3McDonalds3 came from the two ,rothers who originally owned 3Mcdonalds ;am,urgers3 What were the two ,rothers3 names? 1 Dick and Mac " Dick and *am # Ro,ert and +iel $ 7arl and Ray 8uestion9 Which is the world3s leading egg-(roducing country? 1 7hina " 'ndia # Ja(an $ Malaysia

Incorrect Answ

8uestion9 +ame this 'ndian 8ennis (layer who has turned ;ollywood filmmaker? 1 <eander -aes " Mahesh Bhu(athi # .i)ay Amritra) $ Ashok Amritra)

Correct Answer

8uestion9 Which ,ird3s eye are larger than its ,rain? 1 " # $ 5agle &wl &strich -arrot

8uestion9 Which is the ;ea4iest dog B,reed)? 1 9erman *he(herd " 5nglish Mastiff # 'rish Wolfhound $ Bull Dog

Correct Answer

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