Should Sex Education Be Included in Academic of School Children

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Should sex education be included in academic of school children

Knowledge is important in every aspect of life, including sex education. Sex is used more and more each day in the media and it is resulting in children being curious at an earlier age than ever. Sex is a natural part of life but it can also result in problems. Three reasons why sex education should be taught in school are: teenage pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases (STD , and self!respect "ost teenagers are sexually active and thin# nothing could ever happen to them. $ut, many of them are misinformed about the ris#s that are involved in sex. Teens also don%t always #now the best ways to protect themselves and their partners from becoming pregnant or getting STD%s. The more educated someone is the more li#ely they are to ma#e responsible and informed choice for their behaviors. Sex education given by teachers at school is the most reliable way to give #ids the right information about sex.

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