The Cycle Shooting & Editing Schedule

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The Cycle Shooting & Editing Schedule Due Date

Character Concept 10/5/2009
Storyboard (Test Shoot) 10/11/2009
Background Concept ( Test Shoot) 10/17/2009
Voice & sound (Test Shoot) 10/15/2009
Animation (Test Shoot) 10/22/2009
Storyboard (Office sequence) 11/1/2009
Voice & sound for '' " 11/5/2009
Animatics for " " 11/9/2009
Storyboard for Underground City Sequence 11/7/2009
Voice & sound for '' " 11/10/2009
Animatics for " " 11/14/2009
Storyboard for Landfill Sequence 11/10/2009
Voice & sound for '' " 11/14/2009
Animatics for " " 11/18/2009
Storyboard for Hospital Sequence 11/14/2009
Voice & sound for '' " 11/17/2009
Animatics for " " 11/20/2009
Storyboard for Apartment Sequence 11/17/2008
Voice & sound for '' " 11/20/2009
Animatics for " " 11/25/2009

Character cut-outs to be scanned in for Office seq. 1/7/2010
Collecting of Cut-out images for " " 1/4/2010
Cutting/ trimming of cut-out images for " " 1/6/2010
Voice & Sound (record & mix in Kerr) 1/8/2010
Animation for " " 1/22/2010
Character cut-outs to be scanned in for Underground seq.1/12/2010
Collecting of Cut-out images for " " 1/8/2010
Cutting/ trimming of cut-out images for " " 1/10/2010
Voice & Sound (record & mix in Kerr) 1/15/2010
Animation for " " 2/5/2010
Character cut-outs to be scanned in for Landfill seq. 1/17/2010
Collecting Cut-out images for " " 1/12/2010
Cutting/ trimming cut-out images for " " 1/15/2010
Voice & Sound (record & mix in Kerr) 1/18/2010
Animation for " " 2/19/2010
Character cut-outs to be scanned in for Hospital seq. 1/22/2010
Collecting Cut-out images for " " 1/18/2010
Cutting/ trimming cut-out images for " " 1/20/2010
Voice & Sound (record & mix in Kerr) 1/22/2010
Animation for " " 3/5/2010
Character cut-outs to be scanned in for Apartment seq. 1/27/2010
Collecting Cut-out images for " " 1/23/2010
Cutting/ trimming cut-out images for " " 1/25/2010
Voice & Sound (record & mix in Kerr) 1/29/2010

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