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Course Information

Year Course Title Instructor 2014 International Finance 01 KANEKO, Akihiko School School of Political Science and Economics

Term/Day/Period spring semester(first half) 01:Tues.102:Fri.1 Category Classroom Course Key Main Language Economics: Non-Required Eligible 3rd year and Courses Year above 01:9-30402:8-310 11G4001094 English Campus waseda Course Class 01 Code Credits 2

Syllabus Information Latest Update2014/03/05 22:45:00

This course covers advanced topics of open economy macroeconomics and international finance. First, the course Course Outline develops simple open economies that can be usefully applied to international economic phenomena and then surveys advanced topics of open economy macroeconomics and international finance. understanding basic and advanced models of open economy macroeconomics and international finance. acquiring skills to read literature on open economy macroeconomics and international finance. 1: Introduction


Course Schedule

Intertemporal approach to the current account balance (1)

3: Intertemporal approach to the current account balance (2) 4:

Demographic structure and the current account (1)

Demographic structure and the current account (2)

6: The dynamic Hecsher-Ohlin model (1) 7: The dynamic Hecsher-Ohlin model (2) 8: The dynamic Hecsher-Ohlin model (3) 9: North-South trade model (1) 10:
North-South trade model (2)

The Mundell-Fleming model and The Dornbusch model (2)

12: Monetary dynamic model (1) 13:

Monetary dynamic model (2)

14: Monetary dynamic model (3) 15:

Final exam Kruguman, Obstfeld and Melitz, "International Economics: Theory and Policy" 9th edition Pearson 2011 Maurice Obstfeld and Kenneth Rogoff "Foundations of International Economics", The MIT Press 1996 Carl E. Walsh "Monetary Theory and Policy" 3rd edition The MIT press 2010 Evaluation Note / URL Top of Page Copyright Media Network Center,Waseda University 2006-2014.All rights reserved.


Rate Exam: 100 Final Exam

Evaluation Criteria

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