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Excel Tetris 1.

By Andrew Gray

Please pass Excel Tetris on to all your friends and colleagues.

If you have enjoyed this game, please send me a postcard from your home town: Andrew Gray, Ceol na Mara, Pier Road, Gairloch, IV21 2BQ, Scotland

Clic the !uttons !elow to !egin.

Play game

High scores



New Game Score "# ines $ e!el % Help A"out Exit Pause High Scores Settings

&ext shape:

Excel Tetris High Scores

Name lo Score "# Line $ Le!el %

#lear High Scores


Excel Tetris Settings

Sound 'eep when a line is removed

'loc s fall slowly

Speed 'loc s fall fast


(how a preview of the next shape


Excel Tetris Help

The aim of the game is to arrange the falling !loc s into complete hori*ontal lines +with no gaps in,. -nce a complete line has !een formed, it will disappear. -nly !y getting rid of lines in this way can you stop the !loc s piling up. If the pile of !loc s reaches the ceiling, the game ends. .se the left and right arrow eys to move the falling !loc s, the up arrow to rotate them, and the down arrow to ma e them drop fast. /ou can also move !loc s !y clic ing on the arrow !uttons.


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