INdustrial Ecology Syllabus

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Course Information Year 2014 School School of Political Science and Economics

Course Title Industrial Ecology 01 Instructor NAKAMURA, Shinichiro spring semester Tues.3 Credits

Term/Day/Period Category 2 Classroom Course Key

Economics: Non-Required Courses Eligible Year 3rd year and above


waseda 01

11G4001076 Course Class Code English

Main Language Syllabus Information

Latest Update2014/03/05 22:45:00 Subtitle Interdisciplinary science of sustainability

Course Outline Industrial Ecology is an emerging discipline focusing on the interactions between economy and environment based on a holistic view with emphasis on quantification and practical application in both private and public sectors. This course is aimed at making students familiar with the basic ideas and tools of Industrial Ecology. Topics to be dealt with will include LCA, MFA, LCC, carbon- and water footprint, waste management and recycling. Objectives 1. Students obtain familiarity with the basic ideas and tools of Industrial Ecology such as LCA, MFA, and LCC. 2. Students are able to follow the content of articles on IE published in international journals.

3. Students acquire basic knowledge in environmental input-output analysis, and are able to interpret and use published data on embodied environmental impacts such as 3EID of NIES (Japan) and EIO-LCA of Carnegie Melon University (USA). Course Schedule 1:

Introduction 2: Anthropogenic dimensions and anthropocene 3: Carbon cycle, GHG, and global warming: solar energy and GHG 4: Economy and environment: minerals, water 5: Economy and environment: minerals, water 6: Economy and environment: waste, waste management and recycling 7: Economy and environment: life style, consumption, and population 8: Modelling the interaction of economy and environment: environmental input-output analysis 9:

Tools of IE: LCA 10: Tools of IE: LCA, case studies 11: Tools of IE: LCA and input-output analysis 12: Tools of IE: LCA and input-output analysis, 3EID and EIO-LCA 13: Tools of IE: MFA and case studies 14: Tools of IE: MFA and input-output analysis 15: Summary Textbooks S Nakamura and Y Kondo, Waste Input-Output Analysis, Springer, 2009. Available (downloadable) as PDF from Waseda University Library. Reference Evaluation Rate Evaluation Criteria Lists of references will be provided in due course

Exam: 30 Comprehensiveness Papers: 30 Logical clearness and appropriate literature review Class Participation: Note / URL 40 Active participation in discussion, questioning, and presentation

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