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Parth Badhiwala Rocky Bankar Paul Lukose Shaan Somaney Tony Truong BCOMM3311 Prof.


1946 Truett Cathy opened first restaurant Purpose: To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-Fil-A Great customer service

Founder: Truett Cathy

Why So Unique?
Customer Value - Honor, dignity, and respect Closed on Sundays - Worship Cow Appreciation Day - Mid-July Chick-Fil-A gives back to education programs, communities, and leadership/family programs.

Culture In India
Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian (Chicken and Fish) Diverse use of spices

Religiously Diverse:
3 Main Religions: Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity.

Launch Cities
Rank 1 City Mumbai Population 12,478,477 Region Maharashtra

2 3
4 5

Delhi Bangalore
Hyderabad Ahmedabad

11,007,835 8,425,970
6,809,970 5,570,585

Delhi Karnataka
Andhra Pradesh Gujurat

Cow Vs. Chicken

Main protein diet is chicken Does not have to adjust menu to accommodate local diet

No Religious Conflict
Main religions in India restrict the consumption of beef. Hinduism, most dominant religion in India have their own sacred rituals which prevent them from eating beef. There arent any religious groups that do not favor chicken consumption, unless vegetarian diet is practiced. All Leads to.

Parallels With Christian Population

Chick-Fil-A is Christian franchise founded by its Southern Baptist beliefs. This will attract many Christians in India, especially the ones in the southern portion of the country. This will promote awareness of the Christian faith.

Cow Mascot
Cow is seen as a sacred animal. Cows are treated with upmost respect compared to others.

Simplicity of Menu
Quick and easy food selection. Promotes quicker sales. Allows for higher facilitation of customers in and out of restaurant. Allows for exceptional customer service.

Agriculture & Livestock

Main livestock harvested is chicken. Can be produced locally. Decreases costs of production. Increases profit margin and boosts economy.


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