Maths Lep 2014

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Template for written recording of plan of learning experiences from short (one session/lesson), to medium (series of lessons/unit of work). A range of examples are on your program Moodle site. As necessary, specific information on how to complete this LEP is provided by your lecturer in a course. Year level(s) Duration Focus Implementation date(s) Curriculum area(s)

Year 6

1 hour

Introducing prime and composite numbers


Maths Number & Algebra

NOTE: Use the relevant curriculum document: Australian Curriculum (P-10); QSA Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline; QSA Early Years Curriculum Guidelines; QSA Essential Learnings and Standards (Years 1 -9); QSA Learning area (Year 10); QSA Subject syllabus/SAS (Years 11 12), and other curriculum sources (school priorities, etc.)

Australia Curriculum and Reporting Authority: Maths: Number and Algebra. Identify and describe properties of prime, composite, square and triangular numbers (ACMNA122)
Prior knowledge: LMQ1 - What does the learner already know? (Links to prior knowledge & interests including diagnosis of previous learning experiences)

By the end of Year 5, students solve simple problems involving the four operations using a range of strategies By the end of year 5 Students identify and describe factors and multiples Students have had access to lap tops since prep. (Report cards) Students are currently in a laptop classroom. (Observation) Students love working and learning online. (Observation) Majority of students love online games. (Observations/profiling) The majority of learners like working collaboratively (Observations) Students are familiar of the explicit teaching model (Observations) The majority of students are visual learners (Observations and learning style test) The majority of students enjoy a hands-on approach to learning (Observations) A small minority of the students are within the lower level standard of year six, requiring extra teacher support and guidance. (Observation) Several students in the class require learning support for Maths. (Report cards)

Small minority of students require teacher motivation (Observation) (DoL 5- Habits of Mind. Creative Thinking, Persevere) Small minority of the learners in the class lack confidence and all respond well to positive feedback and encouragement. (Observation) (DoL 1- Attitudes and perceptions. Feel accepted by teachers and peers.)

Learning outcomes/standards: LMQ2 - Where does the learner need/want to be? (Knowledge & understanding & skills to be acquired or further developed. Draw upon relevant content descriptions from curriculum document to inform specific outcomes/standards for this learning experience. Foreground achievement standards that will inform assessment. Use descriptors appropriate fo r phase of learning & curriculum. QSA, 2011, defines curriculum as the sum total of the learning and development experiences that are offered by a school, formally and informally, in class and out of class.) Knowledge & understanding: (declarative) Skills: (procedural/do)

DK 1. Students will know what constitutes a prime and composite number.

PK 1. Students will be able to identify what numbers are prime and composite.

Learning processes:

LMQ3 - How does the learner best learn? DoL5 Focus - What Habits of Mind will be the focus of this LEP and how will I support their development?

DoL1 Focus - What Attitudes and Perceptions will be the focus of this LEP and how will I support individual learners? (Including differentiated teaching for student diversity.)

Classroom Climate: Attitudes and perceptions Lessons to include collaborative learning. DoL 1 Attitudes and perceptions- classroom climate. Structure opportunities to work with peers.) Classroom Tasks: Attitudes and perceptions Classroom tasks that include technology and a variety of multi modal texts. DoL 1- Attitudes and perceptions. Classroom tasks, Use a variety of ways to engage students in classroom tasks) Classroom tasks that relate to students interests and goals. Classroom Tasks based on laptop stimulated programs to cater for students interests. DoL 1- Attitudes and perceptions. Classroom tasks, Use a

Creative Thinking: Persevere: In the classroom the ability to persevere can help students learn. The learning manager ensures that all students have set goals to achievethis may be tasks or simple activities. Students have maths goals laminated to their desks for visual references. The learning manager is to guide the students- assisting them to push their limits of knowledge and abilities. Verbal praise, encouragement and clear tasks to be utilised by the

variety of ways to engage students in classroom tasks)

Time Learning procedures LMQ5 - What will constitute the learning journey? LMQ6 - Who will do what? (Include adjustments in the learning experiences to accommodate learner difference.)

learning manager.
Dimensions of Learning (DoL) focus. including teaching strategies to be used Resources LMQ4 - What resources do I have at my disposal? Assessment & feedback LMQ7 - How will I check to see the learner has achieved the learning outcomes? (See also the QSA Assessment Bank.) LMQ8 - How will I inform others? (Include moderation of teacher judgments of standards if necessary.)

Phase 1 Introduce, engage, focus, advance organiser, review prior knowledge, hook

3 mins

1. LM to conduct rapid recall session using a variety of times table equations up to 100.
Phase 2 Develop skills & knowledge, build, practise, acquire, integrate, extend, refine

DoL 1- Classroom Tasks Variety of ways to engage.

IWB Internet connection PowerPoint Slides Butchers paper markers Visual assessment of students engagement and participation within the group activity. Bubblus Assessment of students knowledge via anecdotal notes written on students online submission. Visual assessment of students Visual assessment of students attitudes behaviour and involvement during the hook Observation of students participation and answers during the rapid recall.

7 mins

2. LM to explicitly demonstrate how to create a factor tree of 100 using the Think aloud process. 3. LM to invite students to help complete example factor tree.

DoL 2- Construct Models Use the think aloud process to demonstrate new skill or process

15 mins

4. Students to participate in a Think, Pair, Share activity to create a factor tree of a variety of composite and prime numbers. LM to allocate different numbers to different groups. Groups to create number factor trees on butchers paper using coloured markers. 5. Using a graphic representation of 2 factor trees (one using a prime number and one a composite number). 6. Students to use Snipit to email image to LM.

DoL 1- Classroom climate. Structure opportunities to work with peers.

15 mins 5 mins

DoL 3- Comparing Provide students with graphic organisers or representations to help them understand and use the process of comparing


5 mins

Phase 3 Conclude, culminate, draw together, review & summarise key learnings, checks for learning, consolidation, homework/review tasks

DoL 1- Classroom tasks

knowledge and understanding of the content. Laptops: One Note Program Observation of students engagement and participation during the online game.

7. Using number board through One Note Laptop program students identify prime and composite numbers up to 20. 8. LM to visually assess students ability to recognise numbers.

Create classroom tasks that relate to students interests and goals: Working with lap tops DoL 1- Classroom Tasks Variety of ways to engage.

8 mins

2 mins

9. Students to play Fruit Splat prime and composite number game on IWB. hoot_prime.swf 10. Students to supply learning manager with fist of five to check for understanding.

Fruit splat Visual assessment of students response to fist of five.

DoL 1- Classroom Tasks Tasks that relate to students interests and goals: online learning games.

Reflection: LMQ9 - Why has the learner (achieved/)not achieved the learning outcomes (standards)? (Feedback to the student & teacher about what is needed to inform future learning - what worked and what didnt. Were the knowledge & understanding & skills achieved? Learning diagnosis including individual learning issues that need to be addressed.)

Learning manager to reflect at end of lesson-

o What students enjoyed? o Did they achieve the set outcomes? o What could be improved next time? Reflect on assessment resultso What needs further attention? o Were all students able to achieve learning outcomes? o Were all students able to achieve? Learning manager to take notes after each implementation of LEP. o What aspects worked well? o What may require further attention? o What tasks require more time? o Was the time frame manageable?


Template for written recording of plan of learning experiences from short (one session/lesson), to medium (series of lessons/unit of work). A range of examples are on your program Moodle site. As necessary, specific information on how to complete this LEP is provided by your lecturer in a course. Year level(s) Duration Focus Implementation date(s) Curriculum area(s)

Year 6

1.5 hours Interpreting different types of data displays


Maths Statistics and probability.

NOTE: Use the relevant curriculum document: Australian Curriculum (P-10); QSA Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline; QSA Early Years Curriculum Guidelines; QSA Essential Learnings and Standards (Years 1 -9); QSA Learning area (Year 10); QSA Subject syllabus/SAS (Years 11 12), and other curriculum sources (school priorities, etc.)

Australia Curriculum and Reporting Authority: Maths: Statistics and probability: Data representation and interpretation Interpret and compare a range of data displays, including side-by-side column graphs for two categorical variables (ACMSP147)

Prior knowledge: LMQ1 - What does the learner already know? (Links to prior knowledge & interests including diagnosis of previous learning experiences)

Students compare and interpret different data sets. (ACARA) Students have had access to lap tops since prep. (Report cards) Students are currently in a laptop classroom. (Observation) Students love working and learning online. (Observation) Majority of students love online games. (Observations/profiling) The majority of learners like working collaboratively (Observations) Students are familiar of the explicit teaching model (Observations) The majority of students are visual learners (Observations and learning style test) The majority of students enjoy a hands-on approach to learning (Observations)

A small minority of the students are within the lower level standard of year six, requiring extra teacher support and guidance. (Observation) Several students in the class require learning support for Maths. (Report cards) Small minority of students require teacher motivation (Observation) (DoL 5- Habits of Mind. Creative Thinking, Persevere) Small minority of the learners in the class lack confidence and all respond well to positive feedback and encouragement. (Observation) (DoL 1- Attitudes and perceptions. Feel accepted by teachers and peers.)

Learning outcomes/standards: LMQ2 - Where does the learner need/want to be? (Knowledge & understanding & skills to be acquired or further developed. Draw upon relevant content descriptions from curriculum document to inform specific outcomes/standards for this learning experience. Foreground achievement standards that will inform assessment. Use descriptors appropriate for phase of learning & curriculum. QSA, 2011, defines curriculum as the sum total of the learning and development experiences that are offered by a school, formally and informally, in class and out of class.) Knowledge & understanding: (declarative) Skills: (procedural/do)

DK 2. Students will know the different ways data can be interpreted and compared.

PK 2. Students will be able to interpret and compare data displays.

Learning processes:

LMQ3 - How does the learner best learn? DoL5 Focus - What Habits of Mind will be the focus of this LEP and how will I support their development?

DoL1 Focus - What Attitudes and Perceptions will be the focus of this LEP and how will I support individual learners? (Including differentiated teaching for student diversity.)

Classroom Climate: Attitudes and perceptions Lessons planned to include collaborative learning. DoL 1 Attitudes and perceptions- classroom climate. Structure opportunities to work with peers.) Classroom Tasks: Attitudes and perceptions Classroom tasks that include technology, and a variety of multi modal

Creative Thinking: Persevere: In the classroom the ability to persevere can help students learn. The learning manager ensures that all students have set goals to achievethis may be tasks or simple activities. Students have maths goals laminated to their desks for visual

texts. DoL 1- Attitudes and perceptions. Classroom tasks, Use a variety of ways to engage students in classroom tasks)

references. The learning manager is to guide the students- assisting them to push their limits of knowledge and abilities. Verbal praise, encouragement and clear tasks to be utilised by the learning manager.

Classroom tasks that relate to students interests and goals. Classroom Tasks based on laptop stimulated programs to cater for students interests. DoL 1- Attitudes and perceptions. Classroom tasks, Use a variety of ways to engage students in classroom tasks)

Time Learning procedures LMQ5 - What will constitute the learning journey? LMQ6 - Who will do what? (Include adjustments in the learning experiences to accommodate learner difference.) Dimensions of Learning (DoL) focus. including teaching strategies to be used Resources LMQ4 - What resources do I have at my disposal? Assessment & feedback LMQ7 - How will I check to see the learner has achieved the learning outcomes? (See also the QSA Assessment Bank.) LMQ8 - How will I inform others? (Include moderation of teacher judgments of standards if necessary.)

Phase 1 Introduce, engage, focus, advance organiser, review prior knowledge, hook

5 mins 15 mins

1. Present

students with flash cards displaying a wide range of graphs using images on IWB.

DoL 1- Classroom Tasks Variety of ways to engage.

IWB Flash cards Internet connection

Visual assessment of students attitudes behaviour and involvement during the hook Observation of students participation and answers during the discussion.

Phase 2 Develop skills & knowledge, build, practise, acquire, integrate, extend, refine

2. Create classroom discussion to investigate graphs. LM to prompt discussion by asking supporting questions: What data might you collect using this graph? What data is this graph displaying? Can you supply some examples of when you might use a graph such as this? LM to help investigate each flash card graph and discuss.

DoL 1- Classroom Tasks Tasks that relate to students interests and goals: online learning games

Visual observation of students engagement and participation during the online game. Laptops

15 mins

3. Students to log onto DoL 1- Classroom climate. Structure

f on their laptops and complete dot plot graph activity. 4. Students to work in groups throwing a dice. Record and create a dot plot using stickers and buttons on supplied template.
Phase 3 Conclude, culminate, draw together, review & summarise key learnings, checks for learning, consolidation, homework/review tasks

opportunities to work with peers. DoL 3- Comparing Provide students with graphic organisers or representations to help them understand and use the process of comparing

Dice Coloured paper Stickers Buttons Glue

Visual assessment of students engagement and participation within the group activity.

20 mins

30 mins 5 mins

5. Students to present results to class through oral presentation. 6. Students to point to traffic light symbol on desk to display level of understanding of the topic.

Visual assessment of students traffic light response.

Reflection: LMQ9 - Why has the learner (achieved/)not achieved the learning outcomes (standards)? (Feedback to the student & teacher about what is needed to inform future learning - what worked and what didnt. Were the knowledge & understanding & skills achieved? Learning diagnosis including individual learning issues that need to be addressed.)

Learning manager to reflect at end of lessono What students enjoyed? o Did they achieve the set outcomes? o What could be improved next time?

Reflect on assessment resultso What needs further attention? o Were all students able to achieve learning outcomes? o Were all students able to achieve?

Learning manager to take notes after each implementation of LEP. o What aspects worked well? o What may require further attention? o What tasks require more time? o Was the time frame manageable?


Template for written recording of plan of learning experiences from short (one session/lesson), to medium (series of lessons/unit of work). A range of examples are on your program Moodle site. As necessary, specific information on how to complete this LEP is provided by your lecturer in a course. Year level(s) Duration Focus Implementation date(s) Curriculum area(s)

Year 6


Interpreting different types of data displays


Maths Statistics and probability.

NOTE: Use the relevant curriculum document: Australian Curriculum (P-10); QSA Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline; QSA Early Years Curriculum Guidelines; QSA Essential Learnings and Standards (Years 1 -9); QSA Learning area (Year 10); QSA Subject syllabus/SAS (Years 11 12), and other curriculum sources (school priorities, etc.)

Australia Curriculum and Reporting Authority: Maths: Statistics and probability: Data representation and interpretation Interpret and compare a range of data displays, including side-by-side column graphs for two categorical variables (ACMSP147)
Prior knowledge: LMQ1 - What does the learner already know? (Links to prior knowledge & interests including diagnosis of previous learning experiences)

Students compare and interpret different data sets. (ACARA) Students have had access to lap tops since prep. (Report cards) Students are currently in a laptop classroom. (Observation) Students love working and learning online. (Observation) Majority of students love online games. (Observations/profiling) The majority of learners like working collaboratively (Observations) Students are familiar of the explicit teaching model (Observations) The majority of students are visual learners (Observations and learning style test) The majority of students enjoy a hands-on approach to learning (Observations) A small minority of the students are within the lower level standard of year six, requiring extra teacher support and guidance. (Observation)

Several students in the class require learning support for Maths. (Report cards) Small minority of students require teacher motivation (Observation) (DoL 5- Habits of Mind. Creative Thinking, Persevere) Small minority of the learners in the class lack confidence and all respond well to positive feedback and encouragement. (Observation) (DoL 1- Attitudes and perceptions. Feel accepted by teachers and peers.)

Learning outcomes/standards: LMQ2 - Where does the learner need/want to be? (Knowledge & understanding & skills to be acquired or further developed. Draw upon relevant content descriptions from curriculum document to inform specific outcomes/standards for this learning experience. Foreground achievement standards that will inform assessment. Use descriptors appropriate fo r phase of learning & curriculum. QSA, 2011, defines curriculum as the sum total of the learning and development experiences that are offered by a school, formally and informally, in class and out of class.) Knowledge & understanding: (declarative) Skills: (procedural/do)

DK 2. Students will know the different ways data can be interpreted and compared.
Learning processes:

PK 2. Students will be able to interpret and compare data displays.

LMQ3 - How does the learner best learn? DoL5 Focus - What Habits of Mind will be the focus of this LEP and how will I support their development?

DoL1 Focus - What Attitudes and Perceptions will be the focus of this LEP and how will I support individual learners? (Including differentiated teaching for student diversity.)

Classroom Climate: Attitudes and perceptions Lessons planned to include collaborative learning. DoL 1 Attitudes and perceptions- classroom climate. Structure opportunities to work with peers.) Classroom Tasks: Attitudes and perceptions Classroom tasks that include technology, and a variety of multi modal texts. DoL 1- Attitudes and perceptions. Classroom tasks, Use a variety of ways to engage students in classroom tasks)

Creative Thinking: Persevere: In the classroom the ability to persevere can help students learn. The learning manager ensures that all students have set goals to achievethis may be tasks or simple activities. Students have maths goals laminated to their desks for visual references. The learning manager is to guide the students- assisting them to push

Classroom tasks that relate to students interests and goals. Classroom Tasks based on laptop stimulated programs to cater for students interests. DoL 1- Attitudes and perceptions. Classroom tasks, Use a variety of ways to engage students in classroom tasks)

their limits of knowledge and abilities. Verbal praise, encouragement and clear tasks to be utilised by the learning manager.

Time Learning procedures LMQ5 - What will constitute the learning journey? LMQ6 - Who will do what? (Include adjustments in the learning experiences to accommodate learner difference.) Dimensions of Learning (DoL) focus. including teaching strategies to be used Resources LMQ4 - What resources do I have at my disposal? Assessment & feedback LMQ7 - How will I check to see the learner has achieved the learning outcomes? (See also the QSA Assessment Bank.) LMQ8 - How will I inform others? (Include moderation of teacher judgments of standards if necessary.)

Phase 1 Introduce, engage, focus, advance organiser, review prior knowledge, hook

5 min

1. Students to log onto laptops and complete interactive interpreting data activity. a
Phase 2 Develop skills & knowledge, build, practise, acquire, integrate, extend, refine

DoL 1- Classroom Tasks Tasks that relate to students interests and goals: online learning games

IWB Internet connection Data game

Visual assessment of students attitudes behaviour and involvement during the hook Visual observation of students engagement and participation during the online game.

2. Students to log onto One Note and access task sheet for assessment task. 3. LM to step by step scaffold and explain assessment task. 4. LM to discuss appropriate survey questions and data collection methods. (Brainstorm with class.) 5. LM to select groups for students to work in based on ability levels. (Low level students to be assisted by learning support)
Phase 3 Conclude, culminate, draw together, review & summarise key learnings, checks for learning, consolidation, homework/review tasks

Task sheet DoL 1- Classroom climate. Structure opportunities to work with peers. DoL 3- Comparing Provide students with graphic organisers or representations to help

Observation of students participation and answers during the discussion.

Visual assessment of students engagement and participation

6. Students to create survey question. 7. LM to check students topic collection prior to collection of data 8. Students to collect raw data. 9. LM to check students progress though observation.

them understand and use the process of comparing

within the group activity.

Visual assessment of students progress.

Reflection: LMQ9 - Why has the learner (achieved/)not achieved the learning outcomes (standards)? (Feedback to the student & teacher about what is needed to inform future learning - what worked and what didnt. Were the knowledge & understanding & skills achieved? Learning diagnosis including individual learning issues that need to be addressed.)

Learning manager to reflect at end of lessono What students enjoyed? o Did they achieve the set outcomes? o What could be improved next time?

Reflect on assessment resultso What needs further attention? o Were all students able to achieve learning outcomes? o Were all students able to achieve?

Learning manager to take notes after each implementation of LEP. o What aspects worked well? o What may require further attention? o What tasks require more time? o Was the time frame manageable.

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