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Task Sheet for Maths Term 1, 2014

Collecting, interpreting and presenting data

Your Task: In groups of 3 -4 you are to create a survey, complete the survey with data collected from students in the school and present to the class in the form of a graph. Timeline: 1. By the end of Wednesday Questions and survey must be created 2. By the end of Thursday All data must be collect Graphs must be finished or close to finished 3. Friday 15 minutes to complete graphs and prepare for presentation Presentation Your Presentation must answer the following: 1. A brief explanation on your survey Why did you choose this particular topic? What questions did you ask? Who did you ask? 2. How did you interpret the data? 3. A brief explanation on your graph Why did you feel this type of graph best suited your data? What information can we take away from your graph?

Due Date: Friday 11th of April 2014 (Week 9).

I look forward to your completed assessment piece.

Task Sheet for Maths - Term 1, 2014

Collecting, interpreting and presenting data
Name of Student: _________________________ Criteria Survey 1. Appropriate questions 2. Appropriate audience to survey chosen Data Interpretation 1. Ability to correctly interpret data Graphical Representation 1. Suitable graph chosen to represent data 2. Data correctly displayed 3. Correct graph features used Presentation 1. A brief explanation on your survey including the following responses:
Why did you choose this particular topic? What questions did you ask? Who did you ask? How did you interpret the data? A brief explanation on your graph Why did you feel this type of graph best suited your data? What information can we take away from your graph?

Term 1, 2014 A B C D M

2. Overall presentation skills and delivery Group Work 1. Appropriate behaviour 2. Working collaboratively 3. Equal contribution to group assessment Grammar and Punctuation Spelling

Overall Mark Teacher Comments:

Teacher Signature:

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