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Abdulahab, Wasi Aleya U.

Writing Activity No.2


Abortion is the deliberate termination of pregnancy. For some people, abortion is always wrong. But for others, abortion is right when the mothers life is at risk. But I say, even the thought of abortion is absolutely preposterous. A life of an innocent human being is at risk here. If it is the will of God that one shall be impregnated, then so be it. Let the child grow and experience life. Maria should give the child a chance. Maria may be regretting what she did, but whats done is done. She should think of the consequences of her actions. If I were her, I would definitely think it through. I would never want to subject a fetus to its death. Even if I disappoint my family in the process of doing so, I wouldnt change my decision. Because one way or another, I wouldnt graduate anyway. Why waste a life if the outcome would still be the same? If she does abort the child, the committee would still know about it and wont let her graduate. Only one thing could change the outcome. And that is if Josh agrees to marry Maria before their graduation. If he doesnt, the outcome would still be the same. So why waste a life. If I were her, I would just nurture the child and with the education that Ive had try and work to get my family out of the slums and give them a better life. At least I wouldnt regret my decisions in the future. Because a death caused by me would sure weigh heavy on my conscience. At least when I see my child grow up and have a better future I would get all the payments I need from my sacrifice because of his/her success. Maria should just live with what she did and forge a better future for her, her family, and her child because every sacrifice has a fruitful reward. She just needs to wait and do her best for a better future. And maybe then, Josh would still be a part of her future.

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