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57 Time Quotes

The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day. Henry Ward Beecher The clock of life is wound but once, And no man has the ower To tell !ust when the hands will sto At late or early hour. "ow is the only time you own. #i$e, lo$e, toil with a will. %lace no faith in time. &or the clock may soon be still. 'obert H. (mith

)ost thou lo$e life* Then do not s+uander time, for that,s the stuff life is made of. Ben!amin &ranklin -our time is limited, so don,t waste it li$ing someone else,s life. )on,t be tra ed by dogma . which is li$ing with the results of other eo le,s thinking. )on,t let the noise of other,s o inions drown out your own inner $oice. And most im ortant, ha$e the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. /$erything else is secondary. (te$e 0obs "othing lasts fore$er . not e$en your troubles. Arnold H. 1lasgow 'emember that time is money. Ben!amin &ranklin 2Ad$ice to a -oung Tradesman3 Time and tide wait for no man. A om ous and self4satisfied ro$erb, and was true for a billion years5 but in our day of electric wires and water4ballast we turn it around6 7an waits not for time nor tide. 7ark Twain "o time like the resent. 7rs. 7anley ... we get to think of life as an ine8haustible well. -et e$erything ha ens only a certain number of times, and a $ery small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that,s so dee ly a art of your being that you can,t e$en concei$e of your life without it* %erha s four or fi$e times more. %erha s not e$en that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise* %erha s twenty. And yet it all seems limitless. %aul Bowles
These words of wisdom were com iled with sincere gratitude by 9hristo h )ollis. :f your co y gets dog4eared, another one is a$ailable for free download at . The place to come for more appointments, more people in the door, and more sales! (7, on page 2. To be and feel on to of your time... lowering your le$el of o$erwhelm and bad stress, : urge you to read Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by )a$id Allen. -ou can order it from my website . also on age ; in the left column . or get it through your bookstore.


57 Time Quotes
Time is the coin of your life. :t is the only coin you ha$e, and only you can determine how it will be s ent. Be careful lest you let other eo le s end it for you. 9arl (andburg 'egret for wasted time is more wasted time. 7ason 9ooley Half our life is s ent trying to find something to do with the time we ha$e rushed through life trying to sa$e. Will 'ogers The great &rench 7arshall #yautey once asked his gardener to lant a tree. The gardener ob!ected that the tree was slow growing and would not reach maturity for <?? years. The 7arshall re lied, @:n that case, there is no time to lose5 lant it this afternoonA, 0ohn &. Bennedy We must use time as a tool, not as a crutch. 0ohn &. Bennedy A single day is enough to make us a little larger. %aul Blee The whole life of man is but a oint of time5 let us en!oy it. %lutarch )oing a thing well is often a waste of time. 'obert Byrne Time is the most $aluable thing a man can s end. Theo hrastus They always say time changes things, but you actually ha$e to change them yourself. Andy Warhol /m loy thy time well, if thou meanest to get leisure. Ben!amin &ranklin
These words of wisdom were com iled with sincere gratitude by 9hristo h )ollis. :f your co y gets dog4eared, another one is a$ailable for free download at . The place to come for more appointments, more people in the door, and more sales! (7, on page 2. To be and feel on to of your time... lowering your le$el of o$erwhelm and bad stress, : urge you to read Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by )a$id Allen. -ou can order it from my website . also on age ; in the left column . or get it through your bookstore.


57 Time Quotes
-ou may delay, but time will not. Ben!amin &ranklin -ou will ne$er find time for anything. :f you want time, you must make it. 9harles Bi8ton Time and tide wait for no man. 1eoffrey 9haucer A day may sink or sa$e a realm. #ord Alfred Tennyson :f you want to make good use of your time, you,$e got to know what,s most im ortant and then gi$e it all you,$e got. #ee :acocca Cne of the illusions of life is that the resent hour is not the critical, decisi$e hour. Write it on your heart that e$ery day is the best day in the year. "o man has learned anything rightly, until he knows that e$ery day is )oomsday. 'al h Waldo /merson This time, like all times, is a $ery good one, if we but know what to do with it. 'al h Waldo /merson (o much of our time is s ent in re aration, so much in routine, and so much in retros ect, that the amount of each erson,s genius is confined to a $ery few hours. 'al h Waldo /merson 7iss ending a man,s time is a kind of self4homicide. /dward &. Halifa8

The idea is to make decisions and act on them . to decide what is im ortant to accom lish, to decide how something can best be accom lished, to find time to work at it and to get it done. Baren Bakascik

These words of wisdom were com iled with sincere gratitude by 9hristo h )ollis. :f your co y gets dog4eared, another one is a$ailable for free download at . The place to come for more appointments, more people in the door, and more sales! (7, on page 2. To be and feel on to of your time... lowering your le$el of o$erwhelm and bad stress, : urge you to read Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by )a$id Allen. -ou can order it from my website . also on age ; in the left column . or get it through your bookstore.


57 Time Quotes
Time E #ife. Therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life. Alan #akein )on,t watch the clock5 do what it does. Bee going. (amuel #e$enson :n truth, eo le can generally make time for what they choose to do5 it is not really the time but the will that is lacking. (ir 0ohn #ubbock :t,s how we s end our time here and now, that really matters. :f you are fed u with the way you ha$e come to interact with time, change it. 7arcia Wieder When we are doing what we lo$e, we don,t care about time. &or at least at that moment, time doesn,t e8ist and we are truly free. 7arcia Wieder Time is not measured by the assing of years, but by what one does, what one feels and what one achie$es. 0awaharlal "ehru "either can the wa$e that has assed by be recalled, nor the hour which has assed return again. C$id Well arranged time is the surest mark of a well arranged mind. :saac %itman Why kill time when one can em loy it. &rench %ro$erb

Time is at once the most $aluable and the most erishable of all our ossessions. 0ohn 'andol h

These words of wisdom were com iled with sincere gratitude by 9hristo h )ollis. :f your co y gets dog4eared, another one is a$ailable for free download at . The place to come for more appointments, more people in the door, and more sales! (7, on page 2. To be and feel on to of your time... lowering your le$el of o$erwhelm and bad stress, : urge you to read Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by )a$id Allen. -ou can order it from my website . also on age ; in the left column . or get it through your bookstore.


57 Time Quotes
)on,t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. Cne man gets only a week,s $alue out of a year while another man gets a full year,s $alue out of a week. 9harles 'ichards Time is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we burn. )elmore (chwartG The greatest loss of time is delay and e8 ectation, which de end u on the future. We let go the resent, which we ha$e in our ower, and look forward to that which de ends u on chance, and so relin+uish a certainty for an uncertainty. (eneca Wasted time means wasted li$es. '. (hannon When the time is right, you !ust got to do it. 0ack (im lot /$erything in this life takes longer than you think e8ce t life itself. Anon. /$ery morning you are handed ;F golden hours. They are one of the few things in this world that you get free of charge. :f you had all the money in the world, you couldn,t buy an e8tra hour. What will you do with this riceless treasure* 'emember, you must use it, as it is gi$en only once. Cnce wasted you cannot get it back. Anon. To sa$e time is to lengthen life. Anon. -ou lo$e what you find time to do. Anon. Time is the most recious element of human e8istence. The successful erson knows how to ut energy into time and how to draw success from time. )enis Waitley

These words of wisdom were com iled with sincere gratitude by 9hristo h )ollis. :f your co y gets dog4eared, another one is a$ailable for free download at . The place to come for more appointments, more people in the door, and more sales! (7, on page 2. To be and feel on to of your time... lowering your le$el of o$erwhelm and bad stress, : urge you to read Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by )a$id Allen. -ou can order it from my website . also on age ; in the left column . or get it through your bookstore.


57 Time Quotes
What comes first, the com ass or the clock* Before one can truly manage time 2the clock3, it is im ortant to know where you are going, what your riorities and goals are, in which direction you are headed 2the com ass3. Where you are headed is more im ortant than how fast you are going. 'ather than always focusing on what,s urgent, learn to focus on what is really im ortant. Anon. -ou are not born for fame if you don,t know the $alue of time. 7ar+uis )e Iau$enargues Time in$ested in im ro$ing oursel$es cuts down on time wasted in disa ro$ing of others. Anon. %eo le who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness. 0ohn Wanamaker Time : ha$e only !ust a minute. Cnly si8ty seconds in it. &orced u on me, can,t refuse it. )idn,t seek it, didn,t choose it. But it,s u to me to use it. : must suffer if : lose it. 1i$e account if : abuse it, 0ust a tiny little minute but eternity is in it. 9hristine Warren All the world,s a stage, And all the men and women merely layers. They ha$e their e8its and entrances . and one man in his time lays many arts. William (hakes eare @What is the best use of my time right now*, Time 7anagement /8 ert, Alan #akein

These words of wisdom were com iled with sincere gratitude by 9hristo h )ollis. :f your co y gets dog4eared, another one is a$ailable for free download at . The place to come for more appointments, more people in the door, and more sales! (7, on page 2. To be and feel on to of your time... lowering your le$el of o$erwhelm and bad stress, : urge you to read Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by )a$id Allen. -ou can order it from my website . also on age ; in the left column . or get it through your bookstore.


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