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My Checklist Rate your understanding of the following statements in a rating of 1 to 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the

highest. 1. I do not understand the information given and am unable to give any answer. 2. I can understand the question but I cannot give you the answer. 3. I understand the question and am able to give you some sort of answer. 4. I completely understand the question and can give you a confident answer. 5. I know the correct answer and am an expert on the topic. E.g I am able to correctly identify Australias top 5 import products : rating: 3 Question I can give you a definition of Import. I can give you a definition of Export. I know where Australia exports products and services. I know what products and services Australia exports. I know where Australia imports products and services. I know what products and services Australia imports. I can name Australias top 5 import sources. Rating

My feedback and comment. Write any part of the topic in which you wish to learn more about or something you do not feel confident in.

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