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TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTE EIGHT (Syntactic Constructions) CHAPTER EIGHT (Answering Questions) CHAPTR NINE (Conjunctions) CHAPTER ELLEVEN

(Adverbs) CHAPTER EIGHT (Number, Gender & Case) CHAPTER NINTEEN (The Complex Noun Phrase) NOTE:
Slipping into the flying time trap while struggling to juggle all the other subjects, I decided to find a way to make the book of "Contrastive Grammar" the last on students' worries list so I invested a huge amount of time & effort to summarize the book in a way that can guarantee not only a passing mark but an excellent one & the best proof is the excellent evaluation I got for this subject at the end of the year. I wish you all an enjoyable experience reading this book & preparing for graduation & every time you feel like tearing up or burning the book we've all been there at some point just remember: {What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger} & {Every journey must come to an end, so make sure it is worthwhile}

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