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ABREVIATIONS & SIGNS ordered alphabetically * = wrong sentence Adj. = Adjective Adv. = Adverb/ Adverbial Aux.

= Auxiliary Copula = linking verb (be) EFL = English as Foreign Language Equational S. = Nominal/ verbless sentence ESL = English as Second Language Genitive = / Imperfect = Present tense Indicative/ nominative/ subjective = Jussive = MSA = Modern Standard Arabic N./ n. = Noun NP = Noun Phrase Obj. = Object Od = direct object Oi = indirect object P.P. = Past Participle Perfect = Past tense Prep. = Preposition Prep. Phrase = Prepositional Phrase Pro. = Pronoun S. = sentence SA = Standard Arabic Subj. = Subject Subjunctive/ accusative/ objective = V. = Verb VSO = Verb Subject Object

Karen Elizabeth Gordon Robin McKinley Transitive Vampire The History Boys

my old friend Gerund The Red Shoes and Other Tattered Tales Paris Out of Hand A Wayward Guide The elephants of style Sins & syntax The New Well Tempered Sentence

Differences in Language
Opposites Auto-antonyms/contronyms Oxymoron (found missing) makes sense/ (Natural selection, Advanced basic) doesn't Zeugma Syllepsis Antanaclasis (grammar) Enallage (incorrect grammar) Euphemism Dysphemism Antithesis (antiphrasis) Brachylogia a recognition of the richness of the means at the disposal of poetry allows us to dispense with the doubtful assistance of the (Neapolitan dialectic).

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