Sound, Noise and Silence: "Silence, An Impossible Treasure?"

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Some interesting definitions Essentially, music is sound. SOUND is produced !en an o"#ect $i"rates and it is !at can "e percei$ed "y a li$ing organism t!roug! its sense of !earing. It tra$els t!roug! %&'SICAL (EDIU(S "y sonorous a$es and it is normally a pleasant feeling. NOISE is a disagreea"le auditory e)perience "ut t!is is a su"#ecti$e definition *for instance, most of t!e percussion instruments produce noises !en t!ey are played+. Any ay, t!e p!ysical difference "et een sound and noise is t!e sort of sonorous a$es are regular and in a noise t!e a$e is irregular. NOISE SOUND a$es,

E)ercise -, .eady to ans er t!e /uestions0 &a$e a try1 2or3 in pairs. Use e)presions li3e 4In my opinion...5 4I t!in3 sound is... "ecouse...5 -.6 Sound is a form of energy. 7rue89alse. :.6 Sound tra$els in ;;;;;;;;;. a+ a$es "+ streams c+ ri$ers <.6 Sometimes you can feel sounds on your "ody *"y t!e $i"ration+. 7rue89alse =.6 Sound a$es must tra$el to t!e ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to "e !eard. a+"rain "+ ear c+ !eart >.6 Noise is un anted sound. 7rue89alse 2!y0 ?.6 Damage occurs !en sounds are $ery a+ !ig! "+ loud c+ long E)ercise :, @roup discussion Considering e$eryt!ing you !a$e learned, Discuss in groups *= persons+ !at do you t!in3 a"out t!e follo ing ideas0

Silence, an impossible treasure?

I agree "ecause I donAt agree "ecause

Acoustic pollution. A real problem?

I t!in3 it is I t!in3 it isnAt...

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