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Reporting Writing Assignment Title page

Before you make a title page you need to ask yourselves questions like: Why is this so important? What do you need to put on a title page? What should the title page look like? Why is this so important? Because is the first thing that we see and make a big impression on the reader. Even if you write a great paper, an incomplete or messy title page will give your reader the impression that you aren t very careful. What do you need to put on a title page? !n a title page, the things that should be included are like: title of the pro"ect, author#s full name, degree and at last but not least the date. What should the title page look like? $. %se only one or two fonts. &ore than two can be confusing to read. '. %se a clear font that is easy to read. (. )eep it simple. *oo many words or pictures can have a distracting or confusing effect. +. )eeping all of the lines starting on either the left or right margin is easier to read and creates a stronger visual impression than centered te,t or random placement

*he title page should include the following: i. *itle - . concise statement of the main topic and should identify the variables. - /hould be a reflection of the contents of the document. - 0ully e,planatory when standing alone. - /hould not contain redundancies such as 1a study of2 or 1an investigation of2 - .bbreviations should not appear in the title. - /cientific names should be in italics. - /hould contain $' to $3 words.

ii. .uthor#s name and affiliation - .void use of words like by and from2 - 4referred order of names- start with $st, middle followed by last name. - 0ull names should be used, initials should be avoided. - *itles like 5r. should not appear in the names. .ffiliation should be well illustrated i.e. 6. thesis7 research pro"ect submitted to the 5epartment of2 in the /chool of 8uman 9esource 5evelopment in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of2 of :omo )enyatta %niversity of .griculture and *echnology.; *he year should follow at the bottom of the caption.

E,ample of a clean, strong, and simple title page:

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