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Presenters: Aileen Alfonso, Jessica Tamam, Jonisa Deleon Guererro

Topic: 2-Dimensional Shapes and 3- Dimensional Forms Grade: 2nd

Objectives Procedure Materials Assessment

Students will be I. Invitation (Jonisa) Constructio Oral
able to Teacher will recite a riddle about 3D forms and students will n paper questioning
• Identify figure out similar 2D shapes from the answers to the riddle. 1. What are
the basic Ex: ball= sphere/circle Popsicle the 2D
geometric sticks shapes?
pictures of

Students will be II. Exploration (Aileen) Box Performance

able to 2D shapes Assessment
Teacher will divide students into groups. One student will be
• Distinguis blind-folded and will find 3D forms in a box provided, while 3D forms (see
h the other students in the group read a definition or riddle for attachment)
between the blind-folded student to find in the box. Paper
and 3D
Students will be III. Generalization (Jessica) Flash Cards Written
able to Assessment
Teacher will show the 2D shapes and 3D forms. In groups, 2D shapes
• Formulate students will come up with a rule in distinguishing 2D and 3D 3D forms
a rule in forms.
hing 2D
and 3D
Presenters: Aileen Alfonso, Jessica Tamam, Jonisa Deleon Guererro
Topic: 2-Dimensional Shapes and 3- Dimensional Forms Grade: 2nd

Students will IV. Application (Jessica) 2D shapes Product

• Create a Teacher gives students 2D and 3D forms and allows Paper
figure students to be creative when constructing a figure of their (see
using 2D choice. 3D forms attachment)
and 3D
objects. Blocks, balls

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