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Study Guide: Test #1 BIO 101

1. Organisms belonging to the same _____ would be the most closely related. 2. Outline all of the steps involved in the scientific method. 3. Given an experimental scenario, be able to identify independent and dependent variables. 4. Define hypothesis. Know the criteria for writing a good hypothesis (ex. hypothesis must be testable). 5. Distinguish between control and experimental groups. What is the purpose of a control group? 6. What is a scientific theory? 7. Be able to list the correct order of classification from most general to exclusive. 8. Know the correct sequence of increasing biological organization from smallest to largest. 9. Define unicellular organism. 10. Define a prokaryote. 11. What are requirements for life? 12. Define evolution, metabolism, adaptation, homeostasis, and photosynthesis. 13. Define biodiversity. 14. Describe a base, acid and buffer. 15. What are the six most common elements in living organisms?

16. Define an element. 17. Define the atomic number. 18. What is special about a water molecule? 19. Define an orbital. 20. Describe the following bond types: covalent, ionic, and hydrogen. 21. Be knowledgeable of the ranges involved in the pH scale. 22. What are the negative effects of acid rain? 23. What are the differences between saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids? 24. Define an organic molecule, hydrocarbon, and isomer. 25. Draw the cholesterol molecule. 26. Glucose (C6H12O6) can exist as both an open-chain form and a closed-ring form. Before 1900, glucose was only thought to occur as an open chain. Now we know that over 99 percent of the time, glucose occurs in the closed-ring form. What possible difference between these forms would give chemists a clue that the open-chain form was not present? 27. Define a polysaccharide. 28. A lipid is made up of what? 29. Define: starch, chitin, cellulose, glycogen, and glycerol. 30. Draw an example of a carbohydrate. 31. Define the structural components of a protein. 32. Define the structural components of DNA. 33. What is the structural difference between DNA and RNA?

34. Draw both an unsaturated and saturated fat.

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