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School of Educational Studies



THE LESSON PLAN BACKGROUND INFORMATION School: Subject: Time: Class: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kota Jaya English Language 9.00 am - 9.40 am Form 4 Alpha Low English Proficiency 27 (2 boys and 25 girls) 18 NOVEMBER 2013 Fitting In People Practice

Language proficiency: Number of students: Date: Topic: Theme: Stage:

Curriculum Specifications: Recognizing the concrete and abstract nouns. Using appropriate grammar in conversation, and writing skills. Enable learners to use language items repeatedly.

Previous knowledge: Students are exposed to the nouns. General Objective: To educate students on understanding concrete and abstract nouns. Specific Objectives: o To enhance knowledge of concrete and abstract nouns, students are asked to answer all of the questions provide for them. o Students will be able to differentiate between the concrete and the abstract nouns. o Students will be able to use the internet technology to learn grammar. Moral issues: Self-reliance able to act independently. Teaching Aids: Slide, online quiz


Stage/Time Stage I (5 minutes) Content/Material Whole -Class Activity Introduce the topic Presentation/Rationale Teacher asks students about the nouns that they know from their priors knowledge. Teacher asks students to list five nouns they found from a picture provided. Teacher will check the answer together with the students. Teacher tells students about the topic they are going to learn.

Teaching aids: Slide

Rationale: To arouse students' interest to the lesson. To integrate communicative skills. To give brief ideas about the lesson.

Stage 2 (5 minutes)

Whole - Class Activity Explain the concrete nouns Shows example of concrete nouns List down the concrete nouns

Teacher will explain to the students about concrete nouns. Teacher will show several pictures of concrete nouns on the slide. Teacher will point out some students to share the concrete nouns they are known.

Teaching aids: Slide

Rationale: To educate them on what are concrete nouns. To enhance students basic knowledge of concrete nouns.

Stage 3 (5 minutes)

Whole class activity Practice concrete nouns Teaching aid: slide

Teacher will give students an excerpt from a conversation. Teacher will ask students to find the concrete nouns from the excerpt. Teacher will check the answer together with the students.

Rationale: To let the students practice the concrete nouns. To know the students understanding towards concrete nouns.

Stage 4 (5 minutes)

Whole - Class Activity Explain the abstract nouns Shows example of abstract nouns List down the abstract nouns

Teacher will explain to the students about abstract nouns. Teacher will show several pictures of abstract nouns on the slide. Teacher will point out some students to share the abstract nouns they are known.

Teaching aids: Slide

Rationale: To educate them on what are abstract nouns. To enhance students basic knowledge of abstract nouns.

Stage 5 (5 minutes)

Whole class activity Practice abstract nouns Teaching aid: slide

Teacher will give a sentence to the students to detect the abstract nouns. Teacher asks the students to find only the abstract nouns from a crossword puzzle. Teacher will check the answer together with the students.

Rationale: To let the students practice the abstract nouns. To know the students understanding towards abstract nouns.

Stage 6 (10 minutes)

Whole class activity Practice concrete and abstract nouns Teaching aid: Slide, online quiz

Teacher will point out five students to change one letter in the concrete nouns to be the abstract nouns. Teacher will explain the meaning of abstract nouns. Teacher will let the students to answer an online quiz about concrete and abstract nouns on the provided link.

Rationale: To know the students understanding towards concrete and abstract nouns. To expose the students towards the usage of internet technology in learning grammar.

Stage 7 (5 minutes)

Whole class activity Closure Teaching aids: None

Teacher will wrap up the whole lesson. Teacher will tell the students that objectives of learning have been achieved. Teacher will give homework to the students.

Rationale: Students are able to differentiate the concrete nouns and the abstract nouns. Students will be able to list down the concrete and abstract nouns. Students will practice those skills that have been taught in class through homework.


1. Citing websites. Identifying Concrete/Abstract Nouns.Retrieved at November 15, 2013 from

2. Citing websites. Sistem Pengurusan Pembelajaran Form 4 English Language 60 Lessons. Retrieved at Noember 15, 2013 from

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