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Virtual Lab: Photosynthesis Worksheet Submit your answers by clicking on the homework/quiz submission link for Virtual Photosynthesis

1. What 3 things do plants require from the environment in order to perform photosynthesis? 2. What was the controlled variable(s) in the e periment?

3. What was the independent variable(s) in the e periment? !. "ist the colors of light in the visible spectrum from shortest to longest wavelength (hint# see video).

$. Which colors composing white light are not absorbed but are instead reflected by leaves? Table 1: %verage &eights of 'lants (rown )nder *ifferent Wavelengths of "ight ilter !olor +ed ,range (reen -lue .iolet S"inach #$g% &eight 'cm( )a**ish #$g% &eight 'cm( Lettuce #$g% &eight 'cm(

/. +an0 the growth of the plants under each wavelength of light in order from the wavelength giving the shortest plant height to the wavelength giving the tallest plant height (11 wavelength giving shortest plant2 $1 wavelength giving tallest plant). red 1 violet1 green1 blue1 orange1

3. Which color in the visible spectrum caused the most plant growth? 4. Which color in the visible spectrum caused the least plant growth? 5. +eferring to question 642 why do you thin0 that plant growth was the least when e posed to only this wavelength of light?

17. -ased on your results2 which colors of the light spectrum are best used by plants for photosynthesis?

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