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Students name:Anant Johri Students ID:4042046 Lab Group: J1 Name of other members: en!amin "hite#4021$%&' ( )hi*ip )ope!o+#40%,661' Submission date: 2-.4.06

/his mini pro!e0t is the part of the Laborator+ s1i**s A.2 modu*e3 /his pro!e0t 4as a 0ombination of the theor+ and pra0ti0a* s1i**s that he*ps the students to understand the 0ourse in a better and interestin5 4a+. /his 4as a 5roup pro!e0t 4hi0h 4as to be 0arried out in the 5roup of three students3 /he main aim of the pro!e0t 4as to 0onstru0t and test an e*e0troni0 0ir0uit and the main ob!e0ti6es 4ere de6e*opment of se*f stud+ s1i**s7 to a08uire the basi0 pro!e0t mana5ement s1i**s and 5ood team 4or1in5 pra0ti0e3 /hrou5h this pro!e0t students 0ame to 1no4 that pro!e0t p*annin5 and monitorin5 are a*so the important fa0tors that 0ontribute to the e6entua* su00ess of the pro!e0t3 /he+ a*so 0ame to 1no4 ho4 to identif+ the 4ea1nesses of the 0ir0uit pro6ided and ho4 to impro6e them3 /here 4ere t4o timetab*ed *ab sessions3 Students 4ere supposed to perform the 0ir0uit 0onstru0tion before attendin5 the *aborator+ and shou*d use the *ab for testin5 their 0ir0uits3 /he 0omp*ete 0ir0uit 4as di6ided into three se0tions Si5na* Generator7 "a6eform Se*e0tor and the 9i*ter :e0tifier3 /he basi0 tas1s in6o*6ed in the pro!e0t 4ere: 1' ;onstru0tion of the 0ir0uit and ea0h se0tion shou*d be 0onstru0ted on a separate breadboard3 2' In0*udin5 a s4it0h in ea0h 0ir0uit %' /estin5 of the 0ir0uits 4' ;onne0tin5 a L<D at the output of ea0h 0ir0uit3 /his report des0ribes the 0onstru0tion and 4or1in5 of the "a6eform Se*e0tor7 4hi0h ta1es s8uare 4a6e as an input from the si5na* 5enerator and then it first 0han5ed the amp*itude of the s8uare 4a6e and after that 0han5e this to a trian5*e 4a6e7 sa4 tooth 4a6e and fina**+ into sine 4a6e respe0ti6e*+3 ut before the 0onstru0tion of the 0ir0uit7 a basi0 1no4*ed5e of the 4or1in5 and fun0tionin5 of the indi6idua* 0omponents 4as re8uired3 Section 1 4i** dea* 4ith the basi0 0onstru0tion and testin5 of the "a6eform se*e0tor and some important 1no4*ed5e of the =ero board 4hi0h is used for the 0onstru0tion of the 0ir0uit3 Section 2 4i** te** the 4or1in5 and fun0tionin5 of 4ho*e 0ir0uit and indi6idua* 0ir0uit as 4e**3 In the Section 37 the impro6ement in the 0ir0uit is su55ested7 thou5h those 4ere not been imp*emented in the 0ir0uit3 Section 4 4i** dea* 4ith the 0on0*usion of the 0ir0uit3

Section 1:-

Construction and testing of the Circuit

/he first part of the pro!e0t 4as to 0onstru0t a "a6eform Se*e0tor 0ir0uit3 /his is done b+ 0o**e0tin5 and puttin5 the re8uired 0omponents on the bread board3 /he 0omponents 0onsist of se6en resistors #one>one ea0h of 11?7 43,1?7 1001? and 12? respe0ti6e*+ and three 4ere of 101?'7 si@ 0apa0itors #one>one ea0h of 10nf7 100nf and 1Af and three of 4,nf'7 a s4it0h7 L<Ds7 a B/C%02 /ransistor and a &= batter+3 /he dia5ram 5i6en be*o4 sho4s the S0hemati0 of the "a6eform Se*e0tor3 efore the 0onstru0tion of the 0ir0uit one thin5 about the =ero board shou*d be 1ept in mind that on =ero board the top t4o and the bottom t4o *ines are horiDonta**+ 0onne0ted 4hi*e the midd*e 10 *ines are 6erti0a**+ 0onne0ted3 9or *ess 0onfusion the resistors and 0apa0itors 4ere arran5ed in su0h a 4a+ that 4ire used in the 0onstru0tion of the 0ir0uit 4i** be as *ess as possib*e3

"hi*e testin5 the 0ir0uit it 4as found that there 4as some prob*em in an+ of the 0omponents of the 0ir0uit so a** the 0omponents 4ere 0he01ed usin5 mu*ti meter and it 4as found that one of the resistors 4as fau*t+ so after 0han5in5 it the 0ir0uit 4or1ed fine and the desired resu*ts 0ame3 A*so there 4as a prob*em in the output 4hen the 0ir0uit 4as not proper*+ 5rounded but on 0arefu* obser6ation this prob*em 4as so*6ed3


Working of the waveform selector

/he 4a6eform se*e0tor 5ot the input that 4as the output of the si5na* 5enerator 4hi0h produ0ed a s8uare 4a6e 4ith the he*p of the $$$ and 4hen the first s4it0h 4as on.pressed then the 0ir0uit 0ontainin5 resistor :- and resistor :2 a0ted as a E6o*ta5e di6ider net4or1F and so on*+ the amp*itude of the s8uare 4a6e 4as 0han5ed so the output on the os0i**os0ope 4as a s8uare 4a6e on*+ 4ith a 0han5ed amp*itude as before7 as e@pe0ted3 /he main aim of usin5 the 0apa0itor ;, and the 0apa0itor ;4 4as to 5et a more smooth and 0ontinuous 4a6eform3 It 4i** be so as if one 0apa0itor is 0har5ed then the other one 4i** be dis0har5ed so more smooth and 0ontinuous 4a6eform 4i** be obtained3 No4 a more 0ontinuous and smooth 4a6e 4i** rea0h resistor : 4 and no4 the :; 0ombination of the resistor :4 and the 0apa0itor ;$ 4i** a0t a ELo4 pass :;F 0ir0uit3 A *o4 pass 0ir0uit is a 0ir0uit of passi6e e*ements 4hi0h 0an pass the *o4 fre8uen0+ 0omponent of input si5na* to *oad and b+pass the hi5h fre8uen0+ 0omponent to earth3 /he 0ir0uit dia5ram of *o4 pass :; 0ir0uit is 5i6en be*o4:>

A*so the 0ombination of the resistor : 4 and the 0apa0itor ;$ a0ted as an inte5rator so the s8uare 4a6e 4as inte5rated and a trian5*e 4a6e 4as obtained 4hi0h 4as a*so e@pe0ted as s8uare 4a6e on inte5ration a*4a+s 5i6es trian5*e 4a6e3 /he s1et0h of the obtained 4a6eform is 5i6en be*o4:

No4 usin5 the resistor :$ and 0apa0itor ;6 the dut+ 0+0*e of the 4a6eform 4as 0han5ed and this :; 0ombination a5ain a0ted as an inte5rator and on inte5ration of a trian5*e 4a6e a sa4 tooth 4a6eform 4as obtained3

No4 the :; 0ombination of resistors :6 ( :11 and 0apa0itor ;2 to5ether 4ith B/C%02 transistor a0ted as a :; phase shift re5ister and due to this the sa4 tooth 4a6eform 4as 0han5ed to a sine 4a6e3 /he s1et0h of the sine 4a6e is 5i6en be*o4:>

So the fina* resu*t of this 0ir0uit is that it produ0es a mu*tip*e 4a6eforms at 1GHD 4ith a de0reased amp*itude3

Section 3:-

Circuit improvement

/he main 4ea1ness of this 0ir0uit is that it is usin5 a transistor so this 0ir0uit 0an be operated 4ithin a spe0ifi0 ran5e3 So it 4i** be better if this 0ir0uit 4as made usin5 an op> amp then this prob*em 0an be o6er0ome and the 0ir0uit 0ou*d be operated in a 6ide ran5e of si5na*s3 A*so =ero>board 0ou*d ha6e used as the use of it 4ou*d ha6e made the 0ir0uit *oo1 more neat3 A*so a s4it0h 0ou*d be p*a0ed for the proper use of 6o*ta5e supp*+3 A resistor or a potentia* di6ider 0ou*d be p*a0ed in the 0onne0tion bet4een the 0o**e0tor pin of transistor and s4it0h in order to 5et the amp*itude of the sine 4a6e same as the other 4a6es 4hi0h 4as 6er+ hi5h before the use of the resistor.potentia* di6ider3 /he 0ir0uit dia5ram of impro6ed 0ir0uit is 5i6en be*o4:>



I6era** this pro!e0t 4as rea**+ he*pfu* in de6e*opin5 and enhan0in5 indi6idua* s1i**s in 0onstru0tin5 0ir0uit7 testin5 of that 0ir0uit and understandin5 the 4or1in5 of that 0ir0uit3 /hrou5h this pro!e0t7 students a*so *earned ho4 to 4or1 in team and ho4 to hand*e the pressure of 4or1in5 in teams and a*so he*ped the students to rea*iDe their indi6idua* responsibi*ities and ro*e in the 5roup pro!e0t3 oth the 0onstru0tion and testin5 of the

0ir0uit 4as interestin5 and 1no4*ed5eab*e3 /he students a*so 0ame to 1no4 about the 4or1in5 of the different 0omponents used in the pro!e0t *i1e resistors7 0apa0itors7 diodes7 $$$7 ,41 and J/s3 /he beha6ior of resistors and 0apa0itors as an inte5rator 4as a*so

hi5h*i5hted in the pro!e0t3 /his pro!e0t a*so enhan0ed the s1i**s of students in impro6in5 a 0ir0uit so that it 0an 4or1 more e0onomi0a**+ and more effi0ient*+3

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