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Homemade Ice Cream Experiment Instructions

In your table groups, the 2 shortest people in your group will go and attain all required materials from the materials counter. You will need: 250 mL (one carton) of 2% milk 250 mL (one carton) of whipping cream cup of sugar 1 tsp of vanilla extract Bag of ice 1 cups of coarse salt 2 small Ziploc bags 1 Large Ziploc Bowls (one for everyone) Spoons (one for everyone)

Once you have all of your materials, complete the following steps. Mixing the Ice Cream: 1. Pour both the 250 mL (one full carton) of 2% Milk and 250 mL (one full carton) of Whipping Cream into one of the smaller Ziploc bags. 2. Next, mix cup of sugar into the milk cream solution. 3. Then, pour 1 tsp of vanilla extract into mixture. 4. Seal the Ziploc bag, while removing as much air as possible, and gently shake / pulsate to adequately mix ingredients. Freezing the Liquid Ice Cream: 5. Place the Ziploc bag filled with the mixture into the second smaller Ziploc bag and seal tightly. 6. Next, insert half of the ice into the larger Ziploc bag and add a generous amount of Coarse Salt. 7. Then, place the double bagged ice cream mixture into the ice / salt combination. 8. Fill the rest of the ice on top with another generous helping of salt. *Ensure bags are sealed completely before moving to next set of steps. 9. Begin to shake the bag exposing the liquid Ice Cream to as much ice as possible. 10. Continue for 10 minutes. *Each member of the group with alternate taking turns shaking the bag. When class is over, you may dish out the ice cream to the members of your group. Share evenly..Dakota

While your group shakes the bag of ice, answer the following questions. 1. What was the state of the ice cream mixture both before exposing it to the ice and salt and then after?

2. Describe the changes of state that are occurring in the bag with the various materials.

3. What type of heat transmission is occurring? (convection, conduction, radiation)

Exit Slip 1. What was one thing you learnt from class today?

2. What was one thing you want to hear more about?

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