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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%


Tara Martin


Student Teams Achievement Divisions

Main idea Main idea

Is about

Having students work together to clarify understanding of new content to receive feedback from the group, and to depend on each other for improvement with incentives for the improvement.
Main idea Main idea





Planning for whole-group instructions Plan for presenting content students will practice on in groups Organizing Groups Must organize teams in advance Create teams with mixed ability/gender/ethnicity Four is ideal number Planning for Team Study Success of model depends on having high quality material to guide interactions Clearly specified learning objectives important here Variety of materials can be used, materials should require convergent answers Calculating Base Scores. Awarding students improvement points based on improving from one graded quiz to the next Improvement points based on students performance on a quiz/test compared to a base score

Phase 1- Instructions Similar to whole-group instruction focusing on specific concepts or skills Phase 2- Transition to Teams Students must learn to work effectively in groups Students must understand that entire team is rewarded if individual members improve Phase 3- Team Study Provides opp. For students to practice with new content and receive feedback from group members Promotes dev. Of social skills Phase 4- Recognizing Achievement Assess the same way you usually would Provides the additional function of serving as the basis for improvement points and team awards Team scoring based on improvement of indiv. Members. Team awards determined by averaging improvement points for the team.

Assessing Understanding of Content Same as for any form of learning, uses traditional assessment of short answer, essays, multiple choise Assessing Group Processes Less formal, not used for the basis for making decisions about grades Reflected on report card, includes affective statements Want to know if students are taking personal responsibility, contributing equally, being included

Motivation comes from the individuals performance determining if the students gets improvement points are rewards. Students will develop their social skills, interactions and team-work skills.

So what? What is important to understand about this?

In this model it is important to understand that students need to develop social and group work skills in order to be better able to serve the group to obtain improvement point and awards.

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