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by Rachel !

I claim that gravity affects the orbit of a planet. First, if there was no gravity

involved with a planet's orbit, the planet would have no path. On PhET, we did a stimulation called My Solar System. When we changed the mass, velocity, and gravity, the way the planet's orbit changed. When we turned off gravity, the planet just went in a straight line. When the sun's mass was changed, the planets orbit was also effected. To sum it all up, I think gravity affects a planet's orbit. ! ! I claim there is gravity even though I can not directly see it with my eyes.
Planet's Orbits


start, if there was no gravity then we would just oat off the face of the Earth. I learned on PhET that you can't see the gravity that keeps the planets orbiting. When you turned the gravity off, there was no visual difference until the planet went out of its orbit. That shows there still is gravity even though it may not be visible. In conclusion, I have observed that there is gravity even though it's not visible. ! ! I claim gravity changes based on the size of the planets you are looking at. First of all, you need to have a stronger gravitational pull when the mass of the planet is bigger. On PhET, the planets changed size when you changed their mass. When the sun's mass was larger, the orbited the planet was smaller. When the sun's mass was smaller, the orbit of the planet became larger. There was still a gravitational pull, though it wasn't as strong. All in all, the gravity changes based on the mass of the planet.

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