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2423 W Maxwell Ave | Spokane, WA 99201 | (309) 333-4441 | dlxonhaley13[


8olse SLaLe unlverslLy
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uecember 2013
MasLer of LducaLlonal 1echnology
CraduaLe CerLlflcaLe: School 1echnology CoordlnaLor
LxLenslve course work ln web deslgn, dlglLal medla producLlon, program/sofLware evaluaLlon,
lnsLrucLlonal deslgn, graphlc deslgn, soclal medla lmplemenLaLlon, and neLworklng
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MlcrosofL Word, owerolnL, Lxcel, CuLlook, Coogle urlve, Adobe AcrobaL, ureamweaver, AfLer
LffecLs, llash, flreworks, lllusLraLor, hoLoshop, remlere ro, lMovle, Carage8and, ?ou1ube
LdlLor, CoAnlmaLe, CamLasla, AudaclLy, Wordress, 8logger, ClogsLer, lacebook, 1wlLLer,
MAC and C proflclenL, experlence uLlllzlng mulLlple operaLlng sysLems/web browsers
LxLenslve granL wrlLlng experlence, lncludlng former servlce as 8olse SLaLe Ld1ech CSA CranL
CoordlnaLor (2012 - 2013)
LxcellenL Lechnlcal wrlLlng skllls and research capablllLles
AblllLy Lo efflclenLly edlL LexL/graphlcs for maxlmum lmpacL
Served as a publlc dlsLrlcL subsLlLuLe Leacher for grades k-12
ueveloped numerous dlglLally dlsLrlbuLed lnsLrucLlonal maLerlals geared Loward communlLy
Lxperlence uLlllzlng Moodle and 8lackboard Lo generaLe an opLlmal onllne classroom


Search Lnglne LvaluaLor
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10/13 - 4/14
uuLles lncluded evaluaLlon of search resulL relevancy Lo search
query, webpage/slLe general efflclency and conLenL/conLacL
evaluaLlon, and conslsLenL ldenLlflcaLlon of orlglnal
webslLe/vldeo/graphlcs conLenL ln compllance wlLh copyrlghL law

SubsLlLuLe 1eacher
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8/09 - 3/11
Served as subsLlLuLe Leacher for grades k-12, as well as conLracL
subsLlLuLe asslsLanL Leacher for ro[ecL 1ab (preschool resplLe

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