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Eliza Valdes

March 2014, Issue #2

Serving from the Place of Encounter
Spring time has arrived and also great encouragement! As a first-semester class, we have experience the Lord in a very tangible way. During our class times, He has touched us with joy and even physical healings.
My classmate, Margarita, was healed from chronic back pain!

Meanwhile, He is also exposing the spiritual war that is going on for my intimacy with Him. He continues to meet me with His kindness, especially during those times when I am tempted to fall into legalism and condemnation. These showers of kindness are freeing me from every trace of self-hatred that had plagued me. Thank you for your partnership in prayer. I am thrilled to anounce that I have been able to secure a part-time job as the Housekeeping Admin Assistant for all the IHOP-KC campuses. I am excited to serve, grow in my administrative skills and I have greatly enjoyed meeting my new coworkers. For this position I get a missionary stipened, which helps with my expenses.

Also, in class, I was reminded of Gods invitation to have a people that partner with Him in intercession. My primary role is to talk to God and receive from Him. My main assigment is to serve from the place of encounter! It is there that my gifts will flourish, His will becomes mine and every other definition of myself that is not His fades away.
As a student and staff member with IHOP-KC, I now get to wear a couple of hats, or in this case a couple of name -badges ;).

11200 Cleveland Ave Kansas City, MO 64137

Forerunner Curriculum Cass with Corey Russell.

Continue to pray for His strength and grace to empower me to be faithful and for my heart to continue to encounter Jesus in a deep way. Bless you, my friends, may your hearts be directed into the love of Christ! Shalom!

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