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Silverlight 2

Silverlight 2 Architecture

,. Silverlight 3

Development tools

Contents Overview. Silverlight technology. Versions 1. Silverlight 1.1 2. Silverlight 2 3. Silverlight 3 Copatibility.

Development tools.

he primary bene!it o! Silver"ight is that creating rich, interactive web#sites shoul$ get a lot easier % an$ hence cheaper. he current approach, which uses the browser language &avaScript, is comple' an$ re(uires highly traine$ $evelopers. )e e'pect Silver"ight to be much easier to use, an$ to be accessible to less e'pert $evelopers.
)hat Are the Downsi$es* Silver"ight has one ma+or $isa$vantage, it re(uires a browser plug#in. -! Silver"ight was not create$ by .icroso!t, this woul$ $oom it to !ailure. A less signi!icant problem !or Silver"ight is that it is not currently "inu' compatible. .icroso!t has $elivere$ a .ac version, which appears to wor/ % but the "inu' version is $elaye$.

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