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“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort
and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.” 2
Thessalonians 2:16-17
PRAISES to our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father!

• PRAISES to God for His Provision in providing safe water to the people of Nakinyuguzzi, Uganda!
• PRAISES to the God of hope for the opportunity to share the Living Water Gospel through five puppet shows
to over 500 people in this predominantly Muslim community in Uganda.
• Praises that the Agape Puppet Team from GA also trained youth at the local Glory Centre Church in
Nakinyuguzzi to share the Gospel through puppets.
• PRAISES for the outpouring of hope in the community surrounding Grace School where the Tikapur Church is
distributing water to families, students and flood victims in the name of Jesus far west Nepal.
• PRAISES to God and blessings upon Pastor Pierre for the work he completed during his time serving as the
first WMI Country Director of Haiti.

PRAYER REQUESTS to the God of Eternal Comfort and Good Hope!

• PRAY that God would provide for the people of Simrahani, Nepal where flooding has destroyed homes and
school supplies for the children.
• PRAY that God’s love would be evident to the people of six new communities in Uganda (Nakinyuguzzi,
Ddundu, Kindogole, Mukubo, Kireka and Sonde) where water systems are in the process of installation.
• PRAY that God would provide strong ministry partners for establishing a solid safe water program on behalf
the people of Malawi where Jim, Stan and Vicki are working.
• PRAY that God would provide solid Christian relationships for Julio and Elsa as they assume responsibilities
for the country program in Haiti.
• PRAY for God’s touch of healing and strength for the WMI staff both at home and abroad as many have been
facing physical challenges and sickness.
• PRAY that God would open doors for reaching communities with safe water and the Living Water message as
Rusty shares his passion for the people of Kenya with a local church this weekend.
• PRAY that God would provide endurance for the Indonesia staff who continue to work in response to the
recent earthquake on Sumatra.

Water Missions International

P.O. Box 31258
Charleston, SC 29417
(843) 769-7395

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