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Project: B064

Candidate Name: Charlie Drewery

Candidate Number: 9212

How to Insert Audio

I need to insert the audio clip I created for the solution onto the slide with the map on it !o do this you ha"e to# !o insert the audio onto the slide you ha"e to clic$ %Insert& then %'o"ies and (ounds& and then %(ound from file& !his will open up a file window where)y you can find the audio I sa"ed from Audacity *nce the audio has )een found you can clic$ %*$& at the )ottom of the window !hen a window will pop up allowin+ you the option the start the audio automatically or upon )ein+ clic$ed I am +oin+ to choose the %when clic$ed& option this is so the users can clic$ on it if they need help with the solution and only if they need help with the solution, otherwise added noise can )e distractin+ !he audio appears with a spea$er iconhowe"er there is the a)ility to format the picture so it fits in )etter with the solution I created !o format the picture you ha"e to ri+ht clic$ on the ima+e and select format picture

!o chan+e the )ac$+round of the audio ima+e I am +oin+ to chan+e it to the same colour as the rest of the )ac$+round ) in my presentation !he circled part of the window shows where to chan+e the colour and the different options of colour are shown in the print screen )elow !he circled colour shows the colour I am +oin+ to use !he three colours separated at the )ottom are the colours I ha"e used in the presentation so I can )e

sure I ha"e used the ri+ht one Centre Name: Westcliff High School for Girls

Centre Number: 16637

Project: B064

Candidate Name: Charlie Drewery

Candidate Number: 9212

Centre Name: Westcliff High School for Girls

Centre Number: 16637

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