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By: Emma Grace & Mary Grace

Zebras are related to horses and donkeys. They are members of the horse family.

They eat shrubs, herbs, twigs,leaves, and bark. Zebras would love to eat grass all day but, they need to stay focused on their diet.

Zebras can run up to 40 miles per hour. Most of them cant run faster than 40 miles but, they try when a preditor is chasing them.

They use their camoflauge to protect theirselves. A zebra camoflauges by calling for help from their family. They form a semicircle and if one gets hurt, the family will protect it.

The main enemie of a zebra is a lion. Animals such as alligators, lepords, hyenas, and wild dogs attack them too.

Zebras live in Africa. They are often found in grassy lands. There are really three types of zebras that live in grasslands of Africa.

These are some websites we visited to find our information,pictures, and videos. gbv=2&prmd=ivnsb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=IbBG U9HDKdTJsASFzYC4CQ&ved=0CAUQ_AU&surl=1

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