Carmina Burana Translation

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Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi (Fortune, Empress of the World) nam sub axe legimus for under the axis is written
Hecubam reginam. Queen Hecuba.
O Fortuna (Chorus) O Fortune
O Fortuna O Fortune,
velut luna like the moon 3 Veris leta facies (The merry face of spring)
statu variabilis, you are changeable,
semper crescis ever waxing Veris leta facies The merry face of spring
aut decrescis; and waning; mundo propinatur, turns to the world,
vita detestabilis hateful life hiemalis acies sharp winter
nunc obdurat first oppresses victa iam fugatur, now flees, vanquished;
et tunc curat and then soothes in vestitu vario bedecked in various colours
ludo mentis aciem, as fancy takes it; Flora principatur, Flora reigns,
egestatem, poverty nemorum dulcisono the harmony of the woods
potestatem and power que cantu celebratur. praises her in song. Ah!
dissolvit ut glaciem. it melts them like ice.
Flore fusus gremio Lying in Flora's lap
Sors immanis Fate - monstrous Phebus novo more Phoebus once more
et inanis, and empty, risum dat, hac vario smiles, now covered
rota tu volubilis, you whirling wheel, iam stipate flore. in many-coloured flowers,
status malus, you are malevolent, Zephyrus nectareo Zephyr breathes nectar-
vana salus well-being is vain spirans in odore. scented breezes.
semper dissolubilis, and always fades to nothing, Certatim pro bravio Let us rush to compete
obumbrata shadowed curramus in amore. for love's prize. Ah!
et velata and veiled
michi quoque niteris; you plague me too; Cytharizat cantico In harp-like tones sings
nunc per ludum now through the game dulcis Philomena, the sweet nightingale,
dorsum nudum I bring my bare back flore rident vario with many flowers
fero tui sceleris. to your villainy. prata iam serena, the joyous meadows are laughing,
salit cetus avium a flock of birds rises up
Sors salutis Fate is against me silve per amena, through the pleasant forests,
et virtutis in health chorus promit virgin the chorus of maidens
michi nunc contraria, and virtue, iam gaudia millena. already promises a thousand joys. Ah!
est affectus driven on
et defectus and weighted down,
semper in angaria. always enslaved. 4 Omnia sol temperat (The sun warms everything)
Hac in hora So at this hour
sine mora without delay Omnia sol temperat The sun warms everything,
corde pulsum tangite; pluck the vibrating strings; purus et subtilis, pure and gentle,
quod per sortem since Fate novo mundo reserat once again it reveals to the world
sternit fortem, strikes down the string man, faciem Aprilis, April's face,
mecum omnes plangite! everyone weep with me! ad amorem properat the soul of man
animus herilis is urged towards love
2. Fortune plango vulnera (I bemoan the wounds of Fortune) et iocundis imperat and joys are governed
deus puerilis. by the boy-god.
Fortune plango vulnera I bemoan the wounds of Fortune
stillantibus ocellis with weeping eyes, Rerum tanta novitas All this rebirth
quod sua michi munera for the gifts she made me in solemni vere in spring's festivity
subtrahit rebellis. she perversely takes away. et veris auctoritas and spring's power
Verum est, quod legitur, It is written in truth, jubet nos gaudere; bids us to rejoice;
fronte capillata, that she has a fine head of hair, vias prebet solitas, it shows us paths we know well,
sed plerumque sequitur but, when it comes to seizing an opportunity et in tuo vere and in your springtime
Occasio calvata. she is bald. fides est et probitas it is true and right
tuum retinere. to keep what is yours.
In Fortune solio On Fortune's throne
sederam elatus, I used to sit raised up, Ama me fideliter, Love me faithfully!
prosperitatis vario crowned with fidem meam noto: See how I am faithful:
flore coronatus; the many-coloured flowers of prosperity; de corde totaliter with all my heart
quicquid enim florui though I may have flourished et ex mente tota and with all my soul,
felix et beatus, happy and blessed, sum presentialiter I am with you
nunc a summo corrui now I fall from the peak absens in remota, even when I am far away.
gloria privatus. deprived of glory. quisquis amat taliter, Whosoever loves this much
volvitur in rota. turns on the wheel.
Fortune rota volvitur: The wheel of Fortune turns;
descendo minoratus; I go down, demeaned; 5 Ecce gratum (Chorus) (Behold, the pleasant spring)
alter in altum tollitur; another is raised up;
nimis exaltatus far too high up Ecce gratum Behold, the pleasant
rex sedet in vertice sits the king at the summit - et optatum and longed-for
caveat ruinam! let him fear ruin! Ver reducit gaudia, spring brings back joyfulness,
purpuratum violet flowers minne tuot iu hoch gemout Love ennobles your spirit
floret pratum, fill the meadows, unde lat iuch in hohen eren schouwen and gives you honour.
Sol serenat omnia. the sun brightens everything, Seht mich an Look at me,
Iamiam cedant tristia! sadness is now at an end! jungen man! young men!
Estas redit, Summer returns, lat mich iu gevallen! Let me please you!
nunc recedit now withdraw
Hyemis sevitia. the rigours of winter. Ah! Wol dir, werit, daz du bist Hail, world,
also freudenriche! so rich in joys!
Iam liquescit Now melts ich will dir sin undertan I will be obedient to you
et decrescit and disappears durch din liebe immer sicherliche. because of the pleasures you
grando, nix et cetera; ice, snow and the rest, afford.
bruma fugit, winter flees, Seht mich an, Look at me,
et iam sugit and now spring sucks at summer's breast: jungen man! young men!
Ver Estatis ubera; a wretched soul is he lat mich iu gevallen! Let me please you!
illi mens est misera, who does not live
qui nec vivit, or lust 9. Reie (Round dance)
nec lascivit under summer's rule. Ah!
sub Estatis dextera. Swaz hie gat umbe

Gloriantur They glory Swaz hie gat umbe, Those who go round and round
et letantur and rejoice daz sint alles megede, are all maidens,
in melle dulcedinis, in honeyed sweetness die wellent an man they want to do without a man
qui conantur, who strive allen disen sumer gan! all summer long. Ah! Sla!
ut utantur to make use of
premio Cupidinis: Cupid's prize; Chume, chum, geselle min
simus jussu Cypridis at Venus' command
gloriantes let us glory Chume, chum, geselle min, Come, come, my love,
et letantes and rejoice ih enbite harte din, I long for you,
pares esse Paridis. in being Paris' equals. Ah! ih enbite harte din, I long for you,
chume, chum, geselle min. come, come, my love.
Uf dem anger
Suzer rosenvarwer munt, Sweet rose-red lips,
6. Tanz (Dance) chum un mache mich gesunt come and make me better,
chum un mache mich gesunt, come and make me better,
7. Floret silva nobilis (The woods are burgeoning) suzer rosenvarwer munt sweet rose-red lips.

(Chorus) Swaz hie gat umbe

Floret silva nobilis The noble woods are burgeoning
floribus et foliis. with flowers and leaves. Swaz hie gat umbe, Those who go round and round
daz sint alles megede, are all maidens,
(Small Chorus) die wellent an man they want to do without a man
Ubi est antiquus Where is the lover allen disen sumer gan! all summer long. Ah! Sla!
meus amicus? I knew? Ah!
Hinc equitavit, He has ridden off! 10. Were diu werlt alle min (Were all the world mine)
eia, quis me amabit? Oh! Who will love me? Ah!
Were diu werlt alle min Were all the world mine
(Chorus) von deme mere unze an den Rin from the sea to the Rhine,
Floret silva undique, The woods are burgeoning all over, des wolt ih mih darben, I would starve myself of it
nah min gesellen ist mir we. I am pining for my lover. daz diu chunegin von Engellant so that the queen of England
lege an minen armen. might lie in my arms.
(Small Chorus)
Gruonet der walt allenthalben, The woods are turning green all over, IN TABERNA
wa ist min geselle alse lange? why is my lover away so long? Ah!
Der ist geriten hinnen, He has ridden off, 11. Estuans interius (Burning Inside)
o wi, wer sol mich minnen? Oh woe, who will love me? Ah!
Estuans interius Burning inside
8. Chramer, gip die varwe mir (Shopkeeper, give me colour) ira vehementi with violent anger,
in amaritudine bitterly
(Semi-Chorus) loquor mee menti: I speak to my heart:
Chramer, gip die varwe mir, Shopkeeper, give me colour factus de materia, created from matter,
die min wengel roete, to make my cheeks red, cinis elementi of the ashes of the elements,
damit ich die jungen man so that I can make the young men similis sum folio, I am like a leaf
an ir dank der minnenliebe noete. love me, against their will. de quo ludunt venti. played with by the winds.
Seht mich an, Look at me,
jungen man! young men! Cum sit enim proprium If it is the way
lat mich iu gevallen! Let me please you! viro sapienti of the wise man
supra petram ponere to build
Minnet, tugentliche man, Good men, love sedem fundamenti, foundations on stone,
minnecliche frouwen! women worthy of love! stultus ego comparor the I am a fool, like
fluvio labenti, a flowing stream, et qui mane me quesierit in taberna,and whoever searches me out at
sub eodem tramite which in its course the tavern in the morning,
nunquam permanenti. never changes. post vesperam nudus egredietur, after Vespers he will leave naked,
et sic denudatus veste clamabit: and thus stripped of his clothes he
Feror ego veluti I am carried along will call out:
sine nauta navis, like a ship without a steersman,
ut per vias aeris and in the paths of the air (Baritone and Male Chorus)
vaga fertur avis; like a light, hovering bird; Wafna, wafna! Woe! Woe!
non me tenent vincula, chains cannot hold me, quid fecisti sors turpassi what have you done, vilest Fate?
non me tenet clavis, keys cannot imprison me, Nostre vite gaudia the joys of my life
quero mihi similes I look for people like me abstulisti omnia! you have taken all away!
et adiungor pravis. and join the wretches.
14. In taberna quando sumus (When we are in the tavern)
Mihi cordis gravitas The heaviness of my heart
res videtur gravis; seems like a burden to me; In taberna quando sumus When we are in the tavern,
iocis est amabilis it is pleasant to joke non curamus quid sit humus, we do not think how we will go to dust,
dulciorque favis; and sweeter than honeycomb; sed ad ludum properamus, but we hurry to gamble,
quicquid Venus imperat, whatever Venus commands cui semper insudamus. which always makes us sweat.
labor est suavis, is a sweet duty, Quid agatur in taberna What happens in the tavern,
que nunquam in cordibus she never dwells ubi nummus est pincerna, where money is host,
habitat ignavis. in a lazy heart. hoc est opus ut queratur, you may well ask,
si quid loquar, audiatur. and hear what I say.
Via lata gradior I travel the broad path
more iuventutis as is the way of youth, Quidam ludunt, quidam bibunt, Some gamble, some drink,
inplicor et vitiis I give myself to vice, quidam indiscrete vivunt. some behave loosely.
immemor virtutis, unmindful of virtue, Sed in ludo qui morantur, But of those who gamble,
voluptatis avidus I am eager for the pleasures of the flesh ex his quidam denudantur some are stripped bare,
magis quam salutis, more than for salvation, quidam ibi vestiuntur, some win their clothes here,
mortuus in anima my soul is dead, quidam saccis induuntur. some are dressed in sacks.
curam gero cutis. so I shall look after the flesh. Ibi nullus timet mortem Here no-one fears death,
sed pro Baccho mittunt sortem: but they throw the dice in the name
12. Cignus ustus cantat (The Roast Swan) of Bacchus.

Olim lacus colueram, Once I lived on lakes, Primo pro nummata vini, First of all it is to the wine-merchant
olim pulcher extiteram, once I looked beautiful ex hac bibunt libertini; the the libertines drink,
dum cignus ego fueram. when I was a swan. semel bibunt pro captivis, one for the prisoners,
post hec bibunt ter pro vivis, three for the living,
(Male chorus) quater pro Christianis cunctis four for all Christians,
Miser, miser! Misery me! quinquies pro fidelibus defunctis, five for the faithful dead,
modo niger Now black sexies pro sororibus vanis, six for the loose sisters,
et ustus fortiter! and roasting fiercely! septies pro militibus silvanis. seven for the footpads in the wood,

(Tenor) Octies pro fratribus perversis, Eight for the errant brethren,
Girat, regirat garcifer; The servant is turning me on the spit; nonies pro monachis dispersis, nine for the dispersed monks,
me rogus urit fortiter; I am burning fiercely on the pyre: decies pro navigantibus ten for the seamen,
propinat me nunc dapifer, the steward now serves me up. undecies pro discordaniibus, eleven for the squabblers,
duodecies pro penitentibus, twelve for the penitent,
(Male Chorus) tredecies pro iter agentibus. thirteen for the wayfarers.
Miser, miser! Misery me! Tam pro papa quam pro rege To the Pope as to the king
modo niger Now black bibunt omnes sine lege. they all drink without restraint.
et ustus fortiter! and roasting fiercely!
Bibit hera, bibit herus, The mistress drinks, the master drinks,
(Tenor) bibit miles, bibit clerus, the soldier drinks, the priest drinks,
Nunc in scutella iaceo, Now I lie on a plate, bibit ille, bibit illa, the man drinks, the woman drinks,
et volitare nequeo and cannot fly anymore, bibit servis cum ancilla, the servant drinks with the maid,
dentes frendentes video: I see bared teeth: bibit velox, bibit piger, the swift man drinks, the lazy man drinks,
bibit albus, bibit niger, the white man drinks, the black man drinks,
(Male Chorus) bibit constans, bibit vagus, the settled man drinks, the wanderer
Miser, miser! Misery me! drinks,
modo niger Now black bibit rudis, bibit magnus. the stupid man drinks, the wise man drinks,
et ustus fortiter! and roasting fiercely!
Bibit pauper et egrotus, The poor man drinks, the sick man drinks,
13. Ego sum abbas (I am the abbot) bibit exul et ignotus, the exile drinks, and the stranger,
bibit puer, bibit canus, the boy drinks, the old man drinks,
Ego sum abbas Cucaniensis I am the abbot of Cockaigne bibit presul et decanus, the bishop drinks, and the deacon,
et consilium meum est cum bibulis, and my assembly is one of bibit soror, bibit frater, the sister drinks, the brother drinks,
drinkers, bibit anus, bibit mater, the old lady drinks, the mother drinks,
et in secta Decii voluntas mea est, and I wish to be in the order of bibit ista, bibit ille, this man drinks, that man drinks,
Decius, bibunt centum, bibunt mille. a hundred drink, a thousand drink.
Parum sexcente nummate Six hundred pennies would hardly (Baritone and Chorus) In my heart
durant, cum immoderate suffice, if everyone
bibunt omnes sine meta. drinks immoderately and immeasurably. Circa mea pectora In my heart
Quamvis bibant mente leta, However much they cheerfully drink multa sunt suspiria there are many sighs
sic nos rodunt omnes gentes we are the ones whom everyone scolds, de tua pulchritudine, for your beauty,
et sic erimus egentes. and thus we are destitute. que me ledunt misere. which wound me sorely. Ah!
Qui nos rodunt confundantur May those who slander us be cursed
et cum iustis non scribantur. and may their names not be written in Manda liet, Mandaliet,
the Manda liet mandaliet,
book of the righteous. min geselle my lover
chumet niet. does not come.
Tui lucent oculi Your eyes shine
15. Amor volat undique (Cupid flies everywhere) sicut solis radii, like the rays of the sun,
sicut splendor fulguris like the flashing of lightening
Amor volat undique, Cupid flies everywhere lucem donat tenebris. which brightens the darkness. Ah!
captus est libidine. seized by desire.
Iuvenes, iuvencule Young men and women Manda liet Mandaliet,
coniunguntur merito. are rightly coupled. Manda liet, mandaliet,
min geselle my lover
(Soprano) chumet niet. does not come.
Siqua sine socio, The girl without a lover
caret omni gaudio; misses out on all pleasures, Vellet deus, vallent dii May God grant, may the gods grant
tenet noctis infima she keeps the dark night quod mente proposui: what I have in mind:
sub intimo hidden ut eius virginea that I may loose
cordis in custodia: in the depth of her heart; reserassem vincula. the chains of her virginity. Ah!

(Boys) Manda liet, Mandaliet,

fit res amarissima. it is a most bitter fate. Manda liet, mandaliet,
min geselle my lover
16. Dies, nox et omnia (Day, night and everything) chumet niet. does not come.

Dies, nox et omnia Day, night and everything 19. Si puer cum puellula (If a boy with a girl)
michi sunt contraria; is against me,
virginum colloquia the chattering of maidens Si puer cum puellula If a boy with a girl
me fay planszer, makes me weep, moraretur in cellula, tarries in a little room,
oy suvenz suspirer, and often sigh, felix coniunctio. happy is their coupling.
plu me fay temer. and, most of all, scares me. Amore suscrescente Love rises up,
pariter e medio and between them
O sodales, ludite, O friends, you are making fun of me, avulso procul tedio, prudery is driven away,
vos qui scitis dicite you do not know what you are saying, fit ludus ineffabilis an ineffable game begins
michi mesto parcite, spare me, sorrowful as I am, membris, lacertis, labii in their limbs, arms and lips.
grand ey dolur, great is my grief,
attamen consulite advise me at least, 20.Veni, veni, venias (Come, come, O come)
per voster honur. by your honour.
Veni, veni, venias Come, come, O come
Tua pulchra facies Your beautiful face,
me fay planszer milies, makes me weep a thousand times, Veni, veni, venias, Come, come, O come,
pectus habet glacies. your heart is of ice. ne me mori facias, do not let me die,
A remender As a cure, hyrca, hyrce, nazaza, hycra, hycre, nazaza,
statim vivus fierem I would be revived trillirivos... trillirivos!
per un baser. by a kiss.
Pulchra tibi facies Beautiful is your face,
17. Stetit puella (A girl stood) oculorum acies, the gleam of your eye,
capillorum series, your braided hair,
Stetit puella A girl stood o quam clara species! what a glorious creature!
rufa tunica; in a red tunic;
si quis eam tetigit, if anyone touched it, Rosa rubicundior, redder than the rose,
tunica crepuit. the tunic rustled. lilio candidior whiter than the lily,
Eia. Eia! omnibus formosior, lovelier than all others,
semper in te glorior! I shall always glory in you!
Stetit puella A girl stood
tamquam rosula; like a little rose: 21. In truitina (In the balance)
facie splenduit, her face was radiant
os eius fioruit. and her mouth in bloom. In truitina mentis dubia In the wavering balance of my feelings
Eia. Eia! fluctuant contraria set against each other
lascivus amor et pudicitia. lascivious love and modesty.
18. Circa mea pectora (In my heart) Sed eligo quod video, But I choose what I see,
collum iugo prebeo: and submit my neck to the yoke; totus ardeo, New, new love is what I am dying of!
ad iugum tamen suave transeo. I yield to the sweet yoke. novus, novus amor
est, quo pereo.
22. Tempus es iocundum (This is the joyful time)
23. Dulcissime (Sweetest one)
Tempus es iocundum, This is the joyful time,
o virgines, O maidens, Dulcissime, Sweetest one! Ah!
modo congaudete rejoice with them, totam tibi subdo me! I give myself to you totally!
vos iuvenes. young men!
Blanziflor Et Helena
Oh, oh, oh, Oh! Oh! Oh! 24. Ave formosissima (Hail, most beautiful one)
totus floreo, I am bursting out all over!
iam amore virginali I am burning all over with first love! Ave formosissima, Hail, most beautiful one,
totus ardeo, New, new love is what I am dying of! gemma pretiosa, precious jewel,
novus, novus amor ave decus virginum, Hail, pride among virgins,
est, quo pereo. virgo gloriosa, glorious virgin,
ave mundi luminar, Hail. light of the world,
(Women) ave mundi rosa, Hail, rose of the world,
Mea me confortat I am heartened Blanziflor et Helena, Blanchefleur and Helen,
promissio, by my promise, Venus generosa! noble Venus!
mea me deportat I am downcast by my refusal
Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi
(Soprano and boys)
Oh, oh, oh Oh! Oh! Oh! 25. O Fortuna (O Fortune)
totus floreo I am bursting out all over!
iam amore virginali I am burning all over with first love! O Fortuna, O Fortune,
totus ardeo, New, new love is what I am dying of! velut luna like the moon
novus, novus amor statu variabilis, you are changeable,
est, quo pereo. semper crescis ever waxing
aut decrescis; and waning;
(Men) vita detestabilis hateful life
Tempore brumali In the winter nunc obdurat first oppresses
vir patiens, man is patient, et tunc curat and then soothes
animo vernali the breath of spring ludo mentis aciem, as fancy takes it;
lasciviens. makes him lust. egestatem, poverty
potestatem and power
(Baritone) dissolvit ut glaciem. it melts them like ice.
Oh, oh, oh, Oh! Oh! Oh!
totus floreo, I am bursting out all over! Sors immanis Fate - monstrous
iam amore virginali I am burning all over with first love! et inanis, and empty,
totus ardeo, New, new love is what I am dying of! rota tu volubilis, you whirling wheel,
novus, novus amor status malus, you are malevolent,
est, quo pereo. vana salus well-being is in vain
semper dissolubilis, and always fades to nothing,
(Women) obumbrata shadowed
Mea mecum ludit My virginity et velata and veiled
virginitas, makes me frisky, michi quoque niteris; you plague me too;
mea me detrudit my simplicity nunc per ludum now through the game
simplicitas. holds me back. dorsum nudum I bring my bare back
fero tui sceleris. to your villainy.
(Soprano and Boys)
Oh, oh, oh, Oh! Oh! Oh! Sors salutis Fate is against me
totus floreo, I am bursting out all over! et virtutis in health
iam amore virginali I am burning all over with first love! michi nunc contraria, and virtue,
totus ardeo, New, new love is what I am dying of! est affectus driven on
novus, novus amor et defectus and weighted down,
est, quo pereo. semper in angaria. always enslaved.
Hac in hora So at this hour
(Chorus) sine mora without delay
Veni, domicella, Come, my mistress, corde pulsum tangite; pluck the vibrating strings;
cum gaudio, with joy, quod per sortem since Fate
veni, veni, pulchra, come, come, my pretty, sternit fortem, strikes down the strong man,
iam pereo. I am dying! mecum omnes plangite! everybody weep with me!

(Baritone, Boys and Chorus)

Oh, oh, oh, Oh! Oh! Oh!
totus floreo, I am bursting out all over!
iam amore virginali I am burning all over with first love!

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