Lead Acid Battery Charger

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izhar@gmx.com / izhar@gmx.us




..:: PARTS LAYOUT ::..

Parts List: R1 = 120 Ohm R2 = !2 Ohm R3 = 10$ R4 = 33$ R# = 22$ P1 = 2$2

C1 C2 1 2

= = = =

100uF/63V 10uF/63V 1N#401/NTE#!01 LE 'R+12 #mm0

Q1 = NTE374/B 140 Q2 = NTE123"P/BC#47 %1 = L&3#0 'O( )ar*+ ,--)ri./0

..:: PCB LAYOUT ::..

Except for use as a normal Battery Charger, this circuit is perfect to 'constant-charge' a 12-Volt Lead-Acid Battery, li e the one in your flight !ox, and eep it in optimum charged condition" #his circuit is not recommended for $EL-#%&E !atteries since it dra's to much current" #he a!o(e circuit is a precision (oltage source, and contains a temperature sensor 'ith a negati(e temperature co)ficient" *eaning, 'hene(er the surrounding or !attery temperature increases the (oltage 'ill automatically decrease" #emperature co)ficient for this circuit is -+mV per ,Celcius" A normal transistor -.1/ is used as a temperature sensor" #his Battery Charger is centered around the L*012 integrated, 0-amp, ad3usta!le sta!ili4er 5C" 6utput (oltage can !e ad3usted 'ith &1 !et'een 10"1 and 17"1 (olt" #2 'as added to pre(ent !attery discharge (ia 81 if no po'er present" &1 can ad3ust the output (oltage !et'een 10"1 and 17"1 (olts" 87's (alue can !e ad3usted to accommodate a !it larger or smaller 'indo'" 91 is a large po'er-diode, 122V &8V : 0 amp" Bigger is !est !ut 5 don't recommend going smaller"#he L*012's 'ad3ust' pin 'ill try to eep the (oltage drop !et'een its pin and the output pin at a constant (alue of 1"21V" ;o there is a constant current flo' through 81" .1 act here as a temperature sensor 'ith the help of components &1<80<87 'ho more or less control the !ase of .1" ;ince the emitter<!ase connection of .1, 3ust li e any other semiconductor, contains a temperature co)ficient of -2mV<,C, the output (oltage 'ill also sho' a negati(e temperature co)ficient" #hat one is only a factor of 7 larger, !ecause of the (ariation of the emitter<!asis of .1 multiplied !y the di(ision factor of &1<80<87" =hich results in approximately -+mV<,C" #o pre(ent that sensor .1 is 'armed up !y its o'n current dra', 5 recommend adding a cooling ri! of sorts"-5f you 'ish to compensate for the !attery-temperature itself, then .1 should !e mounted as close on the !attery as possi!le/ #he red led -92/ indicates the presence of input po'er" 9epending on 'hat type of transistor you use for .1, the pads on the circuit !oard may not fit exactly -in case of the B9172/"

izhar@gmx.com / izhar@gmx.us

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