Post Web IP Address For Unix System

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Create Script to post Web

IP Address for Unix
Unix Script to get Web IP Address
# script for netvanta 2050
echo open {ip address goes here}
sleep 1
echo {username goes here}
sleep 1
echo {password goes here}
sleep 1
echo show ip interfaces ppp 1 #{show ip command}
sleep 2
echo exit
) | telnet 1> /tmp/ipfull.txt 2>/dev/null
# returns IP Address info only
fgrep 'Ip address' /tmp/ipfull.txt | cut -f6 -d' '

• This scrip uses the unique features of

Unix telnet, fgrep & cut commands to get
the Web IP Address from the Netvanta
2050 gateway
Unix Script to post IP Address
ftp -n -v << EOF
user {username goes here} {password goes here}
prompt off
lcd /tmp
delete {your filename goes here}.txt
put {your filename goes here}.txt

• This scrip uses the unique features of

Unix ftp to post the Unix IP Address text
information to a

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