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function [bw,level]=fcmthresh(IM,sw) %FCMTHRESH Thresholding by 3-class fuzzy c-means clustering % [bw,level]=fcmthresh(IM,sw) outputs the binary image bw and threshold

level o f % image IM using a 3-class fuzzy c-means clustering. It often works better % than Otsu's methold which outputs larger or smaller threshold on % fluorescence images. % sw is 0 or 1, a switch of cut-off position. % sw=0, cut between the small and middle class % sw=1, cut between the middle and large class % % Contributed by Guanglei Xiong ( % at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. % check the parameters if (nargin<1) error('You must provide an image.'); elseif (nargin==1) sw=0; elseif (sw~=0 && sw~=1) error('sw must be 0 or 1.'); end data=reshape(IM,[],1); [center,member]=fcm(data,3); [center,cidx]=sort(center); member=member'; member=member(:,cidx); [maxmember,label]=max(member,[],2); if sw==0 level=(max(data(label==1))+min(data(label==2)))/2; else level=(max(data(label==2))+min(data(label==3)))/2; end bw=im2bw(IM,level);

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