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Public Defense Act of 2009

Bill Sponsors
(as of 10/22/09)

A.8793 S.6002
Introduced by: Introduced by:
Joseph R. Lentol Eric T. Schneiderman

Peter J. Abbate, Jr. George S. Latimer Eric Adams

Tom Alfano Charles D. Lavine Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr.
Jeffrion L. Aubry Barbara Lifton Darrel J. Aubertine
Jim Bacalles Vito J. Lopez John J. Bonacic
Michael Benedetto Donna A. Lupardo Neil D. Breslin
Michael Benjamin William Magee Ruben Diaz
Jonathan L. Bing William B. Magnarelli Martin Malavé Dilan
William F. Boyland, Jr. Alan Maisel Thomas K. Duane
Adam Bradley Margaret M. Markey Brian X. Foley
James F. Brennan John J. McEneny Ruth Hassell-Thompson
Richard L. Brodsky Joan L. Millman Shirley L. Huntley
Alec Brook-Krasny Joseph D. Morelle Liz Krueger
Kevin A. Cahill Daniel J. O'Donnell Hiram Monserrate
Karim Camara Felix Ortiz Velmanette Montgomery
Ron Canestrari William L. Parment George Onorato
Nelson L. Castro Amy Paulin Suzi Oppenheimer
Barbara M. Clark Crystal D. Peoples Kevin S. Parker
Vivian E. Cook N. Nick Perry Bill Perkins
Steven Cymbrowitz Audrey I. Pheffer John L. Sampson
Michael G. DenDekker Adam Clayton Powell, IV Diane J. Savino
Jeffrey Dinowitz J. Gary Pretlow Jose M. Serrano
Steve Englebright Phil Ramos Daniel L. Squadron
Adriano Espaillat Bob Reilly Toby Ann Stavisky
Herman D. Farrell, Jr. Naomi Rivera Andrea Stewart-Cousins
Ginny Fields Peter M. Rivera Antoine M. Thompson
David F. Gantt Annette Robinson David J. Valesky
Vanessa L. Gibson Linda B. Rosenthal (27)
Joe Giglio William Scarborough
Deborah J. Glick Michelle Schimel
Tim Gordon Mark J. F. Schroeder
Richard N. Gottfried Dede Scozzafava
Carl E. Heastie Robert K. Sweeney
Dov Hikind Fred W. Thiele, Jr.
Earlene Hooper Matthew Titone
Sam Hoyt Michele R. Titus
Rhoda Jacobs Darryl C. Towns
Ellen Jaffee David R. Townsend, Jr.
Hakeem Jeffries Helene E. Weinstein
Susan V. John Harvey Weisenberg
Brian Kavanagh
Keith L.T. Wright
Micah Kellner Kenneth Zebrowski, Jr.
Rory I. Lancman (84)

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