Spread of Islam Me

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Spread of Islam & Islams Golden Age

Write J next to statements that apply to Judaism. Write C next to statements that apply to Christianity. Write I next to statements that apply to Islam. Some statements might apply to all three!

Why Did Islam Spread So Quickly?


Easy to learn and practice.

Teaches equality.

Peoples of the Book were allowed religious freedom, but paid more taxes.
Jihad (Struggle) often interpreted as holy war against pagans and other non-believers (infidels).

Spread of Islam
Expanded throughout Middle East, Northern Africa, India and Europe over successor to Mohammed
Sunnis vs Shiites Muslim world still divided!

Islams Golden Age

Abbasid Dynasty
Moved capital to Baghdad Borrowed from Greco-Roman culture Tolerant of People of the Book

Read the handout and create a web of Muslim achievements. Suggested Categories: Art & Architecture, Literature & Philosophy, Education, Medicine, and Economics

Exit Ticket
List the three most important ways (in your opinion) that our world has been influenced by Islamic culture

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