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Highlights in this Issue

One strike threatens Ryanair’s fall programme... p.2

Battle plan for Air Berlin to restrict access to German Market... p.3
Networking or densification: which one will win over? p.3
Mallorca - The temptation island... p.4
RyanAir - Passengers criticize the business model... p.5
The Low Cost Carriers Analysis Newsletter

EDITORIAL From Transportation
to Entertainment

o one can deny the importance of the Low Cost Carriers
(LCCs) market. The LCCs phenomenon is revolutionising Ryanair examines ways to generate more
the European airline market and the way all airlines and revenues with in-flight services. Few ideas
passengers think about costs. Difficult decisions, both financial and are on tracks, such as onboard gambling or
strategic, need to be made and implemented within time frames. mobile telephony services. Trials will be
These decisions must be informed, inspired and robust. Facing chal- tested in springs 2006 and 2007 according
lenges of economic volatility, regulatory change and corporate insta- to Ryanair. The Low Cost carrier already
bility, the airline analysts and journalists need a tool to decipher the attempted in-flight entertainment in the
LCCs European market... past, but it didn’t work. These ideas are
once again examined because of the urge
AIR SCOOP is this tool! to get cash. “Ultimately, entertainment is
where we will make our money”, O’Leary
Air Scoop is a new monthly analysis newsletter that will carry Eu-
ropean LCCs news, strategic issues and analysis. Air Scoop newslet-
ters are a comprehensive information resource on Low Cost Carriers DOWN TO EARTH
produced by Air Scoop, a division of Global Wings Publications. EasyJet:
It deciphers market strategies, financial perspectives and key people Germany More Than Ever
for LCCs.
EasyJet aims for double-digit growth in
Every month receive our newsletter focus on analysis, formal and Germany to boost its market share to 20
informal news: percent. John Kohlsaat told daily Berliner
- Financial Insight: Follow the financial aspects of the LCCs mar- Zeitung: «Last year we had a market share
ket, Merger and Acquisition... in Germany of 2 percent with regards to
- Ups & Downs: Who are the key people of the sector? What is capacity, which is very low. This year it’ll
their influence? Are they Up or Down? be much higher. Across Europe we had
- In the Air: What are the lastest rumors running in the air...? a 20 percent share in the low-cost mar-
- Bird’s Eye View: Follow the latest analysis from our team. ket, and we want to see that in Germany
- Analyst Porthole: Get the analysis right from the expert. too.» He added that bad summer weather
- Down to Earth: Everyday operations and events of the market... had helped the airline and that it still had
room to grow in the north and the south
Global Wings Publications LLC is an independent, privately owned of the country.
company based in Germany. Our team of experts has a strong ex- LCCs already operating in Germany get
perience of the airline market, as international consultants, analysts prepared to face easyJet’s intrusion waves.
and journalists. Air Berlin, the second largest carrier of
the country, seems to be the best prepa-
red to maintain its market, thanks to its
“Euro Shuttle”.
« Bloodbath:
Howard Millar, chief financial of- Millar added that the timing of Eas-
Once Again? » ficer, declared that early signs of a ter compared with the year before
Fierce competition in the airline bu- considerable competition are already would also affect fare levels, though
siness will mean flat yields for the here. Moreover, during the winter he predicted a big rise in ancillary in-
carriers in the third quarter and up period, airlines will have to have to come over the next two years.
to a 10% fall in air fares by the end of cut fares.
the year, Ryanair predicted.

Air Scoop n°1 - January 2006

Ryanair: Sharing the Spots, Not the Routes Air Berlin Strikes Back!
When European leaders of the low cost market use new Germany is more than ever a market facing fierce compe-
airports, smaller LCCs land there soon after. For instance, tition for bases and routes control. Air Berlin, the LCCs
Blue Air, the Rumanian low cost, has created since Oc- leader in Germany, is challenged on its lands. Respecting
tober 11th three new lines from Bucharest to Beauvais. the old adage, “The best defense is a good offense”, Air Ber-
Located one hour away from Paris, this French airport is lin will open new routes inside the UK and will be the
historically linked to Ryanair which drives up to 60% of first German airline to do so. “Our rivals are competing
the passengers. Blue Air is the fourth low cost carrier to with us in the German market, so we’ll enjoy challenging
land to Beauvais, after the Danish Sterling, the Hungarian them here”, declared Joachim Hunold, Air Berlin Mana-
Wizz Air and Norwegian Shuttle. Thus, Beauvais faces ging partner. To establish its strategy, Air Berlin will use
the typical development of “low airports”. Stansted airport as a mini-transfert hub like Nuremberg
and Palma de Mallorca. This reveals the actual trend of
Sharing the airports between big and small LCCs is one connecting flights in the low cost market rather than strict
thing, sharing the routes is not conceivable. To survive, point to point destination.
the small carriers have to deserve specific routes unchal-
lenged by leaders. Last November, Ryanair has decided to Low Costs: The Rush for Cash
launch a service from Cork to Dublin competing with re-
gional low cost airline Aer Arann. This decision has forced Low Cost Carriers have a constant need of cash. EasyJet
Aer Arann to reduce its daily flights from nine to three on has chosen a diversification strategy whereas its main com-
this route considered as lifeblood till now. petitor Ryanair stays in a pure LCC model. Stelios Haji-
Padraig O’Ceidigh, owner of Aer Arann, had no choice Ioannou, founder of easyJet, applies his “airline” business
but to hold his plans to sale a majority stake in his com- model to other markets such as InternetCafes, Car rental,
pany. He declared: “When you see a tsunami, there is no Cruises, Cinema… These businesses, inspired by its une-
way you are going to swim against it and in the same way qualled cash cow easyJet, have some common points: few
there is no way we are going to go head-to-head with a employees, Internet booking, stimulation of the demand
5bn euros company.” To counter this aggressive move, Aer by low prices... and all belong to The easyGroup registe-
Arann plans new services from the Isle of Man which is red in the tax heaven of the Jersey Islands. EasyJet foreign
considered as a difficult market due to high airport taxes, ownership limit has been boosted from 40 to 45%, which
low yields and unpredictable weather. will provide more flexibility for investors. FL Group,
which also controls Icelandair, has gradually increased its
Competing on same routes has long been seeing as pure stake in easyJet to reach 16%, which brings some fresh
suicide for low costs. Nowadays it appears to be an aggres- cash in this low cost model. Like its rival Ryanair, easyJet
sive weapon to destabilize the financial and organizational is now evaluating its first passenger in-flight phone calls
heart of the competitors. EasyJet has clearly understood it which are seen as a massive money spinner. Unlike Rya-
by opening three routes this year from Gatwick to Cork, nair, EasyJet hasn’t tested yet aircrafts that operate flights
Knock and Shannon considered as the cash cow of Rya- branded by companies. Other ideas in mind?

Sky Bumps Between Ryanair operates only Boeing air-

crafts and needs to expand its fleet
Boeing and Ryanair as it expands its routes network.
The seven aircrafts which were sche- The leader Ryanair is the last ma-
Ryanair had to delay the introduction duled to be received in September jor European LCCs using single type
of some new routes this fall because and October are now expected to be aircrafts which has been a wise stra-
of a single strike. Boeing’s 18,300 delivered in December. To guaran- tegic option till now. A dual fleet
machinists have been on strike from tee the crucial fall flight programme, composition has already been adop-
early September till October shutting three of the carrier’s 737-200 series ted by easyJet or Air Berlin, and the
down commercial airline produc- aircraft which were due to be retired time may has come for Ryanair ma-
tion at the Chicago-based company. in September remainded in service. nagement to adapt the model to new
market orientations.

2 Air Scoop n°1 - January 2006

From Leisure to Business, vellers from Germany to Mallorca, German capital. In 2002, the airli-
Air Berlin is now considered as the ne launched “City Shuttle”, its first
Air Berlin: The Challenger third largest low-cost airline in Eu- city to city services, with the aim
rope, behind Ryanair and easyJet. to connect an increasing number of
Last June, Air Berlin has been ran-
Air Berlin is based in seventeen European cities; in 2005, this service
ked “Europe’s Best Low-Cost Carrier”
German airports and proposes con- has been renamed “Euro Shuttle” to
by the London-based consultancy
nections to forty eight destinations, reflect this global changes. For large
Skytrax. The German airline is now
mainly located around the Mediter- corporations, a tailored travel pro-
the third largest low-cost airline in
ranean Sea. gram has even been set up to offer
Europe and the second largest car-
Its strategic goals have definitely up to 60% reduction on fares.
rier in Germany, with 13.8 millions
been redefined as the company in-
passengers carried in 2005. Even
tends to attract business passengers. In order to compete with its rivals,
though this airline is quite hard to
In order to be identified as an airline Air Berlin will focus, in near future,
qualify; its strategy and business
suitable for business travellers, Air on consolidation and development
model are extremely efficient.
Berlin has set up a team dedicated of selected new routes. Time is now
As a mix of low-cost carriers, char-
to contact and discuss with firms. counted as easyJet has defined the
ter airlines and legacy carriers, Air
Breaking from pure low-cost model, German market as a primary target
Berlin provides comparative low-
the company flies to main airports to expand, aiming to boost its mar-
cost tickets and operates point-
only and proposes frequent flyer ket share to 20 percent. Will the
to-point flights with a single-class.
programs. Berlin Tegel airport, the “business passenger” strategy of Air
Its offers also include all taxes and
homebase of Air Berlin, is conside- Berlin be sufficient to counter this
even in-flight catering. Starting out
red as “the business airport” of the opponent?
as a charter service for leisure tra-

Networking Vs Densifica- these routes propose only one round one of the main objectives of Rya-
trip per day. The goal is to cover as nair. To slow down its Irish rival, Ea-
tion: True Strategic Issues quickly possible many airports and syJet has initiated a precise offensive
destinations. By covering these rou- by opening new routes in 2005 in
The European Low-cost leaders,
tes, the company checks their viabi- Ireland, the “land” of Ryanair (Ga-
Ryanair and easyJet, have adopted
lity for further development. This is twick to Knock, Shannon and Cork).
two different strategies to develop
the “networking” strategy! Most of the cash of Ryanair comes
and control the market.
On the other side, easyJet the Oran- from these unchallenged routes. As-
On one side of the ring, Ryanair the
ge challenger! EasyJet has decided signing one or two flights per day
Irish champion! It is quite impossi-
to consolidate its existing bases. To on these routes already occupied by
ble for low-cost airlines to be pre-
do so, the company has multiplied Ryanair flights marks just the begin-
sent on same routes for a long time,
the destinations from their airports ning of the settlement of easyJet in
the competition is too hard. So the
already established, which become west Ireland and points out the wil-
management of Ryanair has decided
sorts of “hubs”. Passengers have more ling to weaken its competitor. Rya-
to implement a strategy based on:
destinations from their airport and nair has taken the threat seriously,
“The first implanted, the last to survi-
more flight schedule options per day. and thus announced it will double
ve”. The company has opened many
This is the “densification” strategy! the traffic going through Shannon in
new routes linking new airport ba-
However, easyJet is kept away from no time at all.
ses, mainly located in Eastern Europe
some areas, including Scandinavia,
and Scandinavia. Most of the time,
“The only thing Ryanair does not charge for yet is using the lavatory”
Ryanair Special

Mike Boyd, President of Boyd Group, an aviation consulting firm.

“My experience of five weeks of fatherhood is that I want to spend more time
at the office”
Michael O’Leary, Ryanair.

“Ryanair needs its wings clipped”

Tony Manwaring, chief executive of Scope, a leading disability group.

3 Air Scoop n°1 - January 2006

Ryanair & IATA Mallorca: easyJet:
Attack Airports The Battle for the Island The Need of Coalition
Ryanair has decided to avoid paying The airport of Mallorca has reached ELFAA was established in late 2003
airports taxes by all means. “It is that a “phenomenal record levels” of pas- as the voice of European`s low fare
fight that’s motivating me to stay on” sengers thanks to Low cost airlines; airlines, which distinct business mo-
declared O’Leary. This decision is more than 2,8 million passengers dels could not be represented by the
supported by Giovanni Bisignani, used the airport in July. Such re- long-established associations of the
CEO of IATA. “You can’t consider sults confirm Mallorca’s popularity traditional flag carrier and charter
airlines as cash cows” he told Avia- as a holiday and residential tourism airlines.
tion Week. Both agree to cut off as destination. As an analysis is now Jan Skeels, ELFAA Secretary Gene-
much as possible money given to being made to evaluate how much ral, said: “This is a good day for our
airports. One main objectives of the the LCCs will represent in the fu- young association. easyJet`s initial
IATA is to get 100% of e-tickets by ture, the traditional airlines know decision to remain outside of the as-
the end of 2007. Passengers will buy now that they will have to share the sociation has limited our ability to
all their tickets online, make changes space with them. speak for the whole low-fare airline
through their computer, and print It appears that tourists of LCCs tend industry.”
their tickets at home. With their to make up their own holiday pac- ”We see the benefit of being part of an
own boarding card and a hand lug- kage, choosing their own hotels and established, specialist industry asso-
gage, passengers won’t need to check flights. No wonder why in such con- ciation - particularly the access it can
in at the airport. So Ryanair will not ditions, LLCs intend to obtain more give us to some of the institutions that
have to pay for terminal building and more lines to Mallorca (i.e. Ea- rather short-sightedly prohibit access
and charges for check-in desks. “This syJet has 10 connections and Air to individual companies.” said Ray
is the way to blow up the airport mo- Berlin more than 40!). Webster, easyJet Chief Executive.
nopoly”, said O’Leary. Airports mas-
sively invest to seduce and attract
LCCs, they may not earn as much as
they thought…
bmibaby: Growing, Growing, Growing…
Created in 2002, bmibaby is a subsidiary of British Mi- bmibaby targets both business and leisure passengers.
dland Airways (bmi), UK’s second largest full service The airline offers direct connection to main business
scheduled airline. With a 16 aircrafts fleet, this LCC con- European cities such as Milan, Geneva, Paris, Madrid…
nects 18 UK airports to 25 cities of seven European coun- but also vacation destinations, mainly located in Spain
tries. This no-frills airline includes many services such as (Malaga, Alicante, Palma).
the choice of the seat, free-seats for infants under two, To sustain this growth strategy, bmibaby will acquire
fast-track check-in, more hand baggage allowance… The next year three more Boeing 737s which will boost the
airline has been named twice « Best No Frills Airline » in fleet to 19 aircrafts. The carrier also announced that five
the Telegraph Travel Awards in 2003 and 2004. new routes will be introduced to Amsterdam, Knock,
Newquay, Paris and Perpignan.


Air Berlin: Airport Workers Exploited
Best Low-Cost Carrier Transport & General Union discovered that Big Orange
Handling is using an agency which brings workers from Po-
In the airline test carried out by “Capital”, the
land to Luton airport. These workers are been paid substanti-
business magazine, Air Berlin has come out on
ally less than British workers doing the same job. Big Orange
first place as the best low-cost carrier. Air Ber-
Handling is a joint venture of EasyJet and Menzies Aviation
lin was well ahead of its competitors (Deuts-
taking care of ground handling operations for EasyJet at Lu-
che BA & Germanwings ).
ton. Further investigations are being made by T&G Union.

4 Air Scoop n°1 - January 2006

Ryanair Passengers the quota for disabled people on that to fly later that evening arriving in
flight, even though they didn’t need the middle of the night while four
Business Model assistance from staff. others had to sleep on the floor of
Cracks Down Following consultation with the Na- the airport waiting for a flight the
tional Council for the Blind of Ire- following morning. Legal actions are
After a group of disabled travellers land (NCBI), Ryanair announced now backed by the Royal National
was ordered off a plane in Italy, cam- changes in its policies, now waiting Institute for the Blind (RNIB).
paigners got a partial victory over for regulatory approval from IAA. Ryanair had already been under
Ryanair. Scope and The Norfolk Vision-impaired passengers who strong criticises from Scope, espe-
and Norwich Association for Blind travel with a sighted companion on cially in January 2004 regarding the
(NNAB), leading disability groups, a one-to-one basis would no longer low cost decision to increase passen-
called for a boycott of Ryanair after be required to inform the carrier in ger fares after losing the landmark
those blind and partially-sighted pas- advance. However, vision-impaired court case. This case, which aimed
sengers were told to get off the plane passengers travelling alone still re- to prevent them from charging indi-
at Stansted because they had not told main part of the rule. viduals for wheelchair assistance, has
the airline in advance that blind peo- Campaigners sought compensation been won by Bob Ross and suppor-
ple would be travelling. According to and apologies for this incident. In- ted by the Disability Rights Com-
Ryanair, these passengers were over deed, seven of the passengers had mission.

From Low to High Costs: “low-cost business airlines” between first glance as the opposite of the ones
Europe and the States. Even if Maxjet already existing. In fact, their choice is
Challenging Strategies and Eos will both fly between New based on a clear analysis of Ryanair’s
York’s JFK and Stansted, their offers “Networking strategy” (see our article
“In the beginning, Southwest created
are quite different. Maxjet considers p.3) and on the anticipation of Euro-
the low cost carriers model...”: a sim-
itself like the first «low cost business pean intra-routes overload. The do-
ple product, leisure travellers, price-
airline», while Eos services are more minance of the “Big Two” over routes
conscious business travellers oriented,
like flying with a corporate or private and airports clearly represents a threat
and short-haul flights. Soon after, Eu-
jet. for smaller LCCs’ future development.
ropean “hybrid carriers” have emerged
These two companies focus their So, by focusing on the “high cost” mar-
from this genuine model in the mar-
strategy on three main points: bu- ket segment, these companies intend
ket scope. Lately, the Low “high-cost”
siness passengers, first class services to shortcut the unbalanced competi-
carriers’ concept has risen, especially
and long-haul flights. Their concept tion by positioning their services on a
with Maxjet and Eos airlines. Their
of low cost model may appear at the different level.
idea is to offer “First Class” flights as

European Low Costs cause all routes are not successful,
the revenues per passenger kilome-
Carriers at a crossroads ter decline, and fleets are heavily
Dr Lucio Pompeo, McKinsey & The author pinpoints that the LCCs
Company, released his analysis of market is still perceived as a test
LCCs European market. According field for new concepts. Nowadays,
to him, to maintain their status on two carriers dominate the market;
the market, LCCs need to follow he predicts that only two or three
three strategies: keep their “cost lea- will be sustainably profitable by
dership” ; imagine new business mo- 2010.
dels ; add new sources of income. Source: Dr. Lucio Pompeo,
Dr Pompeo points out that first McKinsey&Company, Frankfurt, * Passenger kilometers flown
signs of saturation are apparent.
June 23, 2005 Source: Ryanair, easyJet, McKinsey analysis
LCCs’ growth is slowing down be-

Air Scoop is a Registered Trademark of Global Wings Publications.

Subscription to Air Scoop: 290 euros for 1 year (12 issues)
Copyright 2006 - Unauthorized distribution or reproduction is forbidden.

5 Air Scoop n°1 - January 2006

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