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Date 12th of November

Name Edoardo Surname ________________ Class 3 C

Culture Test
Rubbish and The Three Rs
1. Completa il brano con le parole nel riquadro:

throw away






wrapping paper








In the Uk people produce 30 million tonnes of household rubbish every year. One third of
this _________ is paper. Each person in the UK_______ over 200 kg of paper a year. At Christmas
we ________________ 83 km2 of _________________. Paper comes from ___________ and we
destroy a _________ about the size of Sicily every year to make all the paper we need. This is very
bad for the __________ We also throw away a lot of tins and ______________ , in fact we throw
away 14 billion tins every year. _____________ helps to save energy. One recycled can saves the
energy to power a TV for three hours. We throw away glass _________ and bottles but there are
50,000 bottle banks in the UK and we can make a new glass jar with 80 % of recycled material. We
can help the environment at school. Here are some _________:

Use less paper for your school work. Always write on both sides of a piece of paper.

We can __________ old paper from the school and take it to the recycling ________ every

School can buy products with the recycling symbol on packaging and ____________

The school office can reuse _______ in its printer

The school canteen can recycle tins and drinks cans

Answer the following questions (Rispondi alle seguenti domande):

1. How many tonnes of paper do people in the UK throw away?

2. Why is recycling useful?
3. How many bottle banks are there in the UK?
4. How much recycled material do we need to produce a new glass jar?

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