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Homework Set #6: Animal Reproduction

Mr. C. Tyler Living Environment The following are the homework assignments that must be completed by the end of this unit. You can hand them in as you complete them, or all at once, if you like. emember, outlines can be brief and short, while highlighting all the ma!or points. "o not waste your time creating e#tremely detailed outlines. $ailure to hand in all assignments in time will result in a serious deduction of points. This file will be uploaded on, although there will no longer be recommended completion dates. Please complete these assignments at a reasonable pace.
%. (. &. 6. 7. '. 8. ead and outline Chapters &'.%. There is a lot of te#t, so be sure to keep the outline short. ead and outline Chapter &'.( starting from the beginning to up to and including the heading )*ccessory +tructures ,roduce +emen and Conduct +perm -utside the .ody./ 0n addition to the outline, sketch figure &'1%(. ead and outline Chapter &'.( from the end of 23 '.% up to and including )*ccessory +tructures 0nclude the 4terine Tubes, 4terus, and 5agina./ ead and outline )2ormonal Control of the Menstrual Cycle/ in Chapter &'.( ead and complete the outline of Chapter &'.(.. ead and Chapter &'.&. You do not need to do an outline. Complete self1test for Chapter &' at the *udesirk self1test site. Email the results to the class email.

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