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Personal Statement Sample Youll never make it in life! Youre going to end up a failure!

Youre going to end up in the military just like your step brother and sister! Unfortunately thats all that I ever hear from my dad !ot a "ello# ho$ are you% "o$s life% !ope# all I heard $as that I $as never going to make it in life &eing the person that I am I ignore everything that he says be'ause I kno$ that I am going to prove him $rong (ro$ing up $asnt easy for me I never had a father# $ell a'tually I did it $as my mom be'ause she took over his pla'e and filled both roles )ny$ays it had al$ays been a struggle for my mom and me# sin'e she $as a single parent *e moved around a lot +irst it $as around the valley then it $as up to northern ,alifornia I lived in a to$n 'alled (ilroy for four years I loved living there I had so many friends Unfortunately $e had to move ba'k be'ause my grandparents had missed me *e moved ba'k and I started fifth grade at ,oral -ountain )'ademy in ,oa'hella# ,alifornia I $as all alone $ith no friends )ll I had $as my mom and she $as my best friend at the time Shes the one $ho helped me through so many situations It is hard to des'ribe myself I hear different 'omments from people des'ribing $ho I am and I $onder is that really ho$ I am% .he only person $ho kno$s most about me is me So $hy is it so hard to des'ribe myself% I guess its be'ause I dont really like talking about myself *ell I am an e/'ellent listener I love to hear peoples stories and $hat happened to them !o$ I am a person $ho a'tually is sometimes 'areless about things I am more responsible no$ than ever .hat is probably one of the personality traits that has 'hanged the most about me I never use to 'are about anything at all I never 'ared about peoples feelings at all *hat had 'hanged me the most0 is joining the "igh S'hool "ospitality )'ademy .he )'ademy has a'tually 'hanged me and 'hanged $hat I think about the real $orld &efore I use to think in the real $orld $ork life $as so easy and you 'ould get a$ay $ith a little punishment# just like in s'hool ,ome to think about it I a'tually thought the real $orld $ould be easy I al$ays thought someone $ould be there holding your hand and helping you out .he a'ademy helped me reali1e thats not the $ay ho$ life $orks .he )'ademy taught $hat it $as like to $ork around real people $ho attend that job everyday .hose people I $orked $ith taught me $hat it $as like to $ork at their job everyday .hanks to them I finally learned ho$ to 'ook .here $as also one 2uestion I $ould ask every $orker I $orked $ith# it $as *hat did you al$ays $ant to be% 3id you $ant to make a 'areer out of this% 4very ans$er that I re'eived from ea'h and every person $as no !one of them $anted to sti'k $ith that the rest of their lives -any of them $anted to move on to bigger and better jobs .hats $hat made me think differently about the real $orld I have to thank the a'ademy for making me see a different perspe'tive on life .eenagers dont really think ahead about their future 4ven some of my friends dont even kno$ $hat they $ant to be $hen they are an adult I felt like I should start early to kno$ $hat to e/pe't in the future

.his summer I am a'tually going to start applying for 'olleges .he main 'ollege that I $ant to go to is .he University of San 3iego Unfortunately they dont a''ept students $ith 3s or +s 5u'ky for me I only have three 3s So to prepare for it I am going to stay after s'hool for )P46# an online 'redit re'overy program Sin'e the junior year is mainly $hat the 'olleges look at# I plan to get straight )s I am planning to make my junior year the best it $ill ever be I dont $ant to get straight )s I need to I just dont $ant to go to 'ommunity 'ollege I feel that I $ould be $asting my time going there and I $ould drop out ,oming from a family $here none of my 'ousins# un'les# aunts and even my o$n parents ever $ent to 'ollege is disappointing to me 7nly one of my aunts made it# but she is barely doing it and she is 89 I $ant to be the first one out of my family to say# "ey I finally made it to University! .hat $ould be the best day of my life Some day I am going to be $orking at a big 'ompany being a translator .hats my dream $hen I gro$ up I $ant to prove to my dad that I made it I $ant to sho$ my diploma off in his fa'e and tell him he $as $rong all along I $ant my family to be proud of me being the first 'ousin to ever go to 'ollege and su''eed in life I $ill make it no matter $hat anyone tells me I $ill strive and a'hieve my goals

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