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Statue of Count Gotthard

When the owner is challenged, roll a D6. On a 4+, he may choose the territory the battle is fought for. This bonus does not work if the challenge is for one of the owner's territories, so only roll after the challenger has selected the territory.

Count Steinhart's Palace

After each game, the owner of this territory may re-roll the unit dice for the serious injury roll of one hero. The hero this bonus will be used on must be declared before rolling for any injuries.

Middle Bridge
Before each game, on a 4+ the owner of this territory may choose to be attacker or defender.

The Pit
When rolling for exploration, one hero may search the pit for wyrdstone. Roll this dice separately; on a 1 the hero is dead, captured by the guardians of the pit or devoured by one of the horrors surrounding it. On any other result, the player finds one additional shard of wyrdstone. This dice is taken into consideration for the amount of wyrdstone found as normal, unless it is a 1.

Temple of Sigmar
The owner of this territory may nominate one hero to pray at (or ransack!) the temple. On a 4+, the hero counts as having a lucky charm in the next game.

Cemetery of St Voller
If this territory is owned by an Undead player, instead of their necromancer exploring (can't have been taken out of action) he may add a free zombie to his warband on a 4+. If it is controlled by any other warband then when one of its members dies, instead of exploring the warband leader may bury the dead. This gives the leader +1 experience, though they may only gain a maximum of +1 per turn regardless of how many are dead.

Market Square
The owner of this territory gains +1 to locate one rare item per post-battle phase.

Black Pit Settlement

The owner of this territory may recruit into existing henchmen groups without needing to roll for the available experience. They do still need to pay for the experience, however.

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