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Toddler Development (Age 1-2)

Physical: Toddlers are continuing to learn how to use their muscles during the toddlerhood period. At around the age of 14 months as toddler can grip a crayon or marker using their whole fist and can scribble onto paper. Two months later they have the ability to walk up and down stairs while holding the hand of an adult. Not yet alternating feet while climbing each step (Berk, 2013). Language: A toddler who is between the ages of one and two has the ability to recognize correct pronunciation of familiar words. He is also using three word sentences and can engage in conversational turn taking and topic maintenance (Berk, 2013). Cognitive: Children who are the age of 12-18 months have begun to demonstrate categorization skills. However, this typically only occurs on the basis of one category. Around the age of 18months-two years old a toddler has the ability to locate objects that have been removed from view (Berk, 2013). Social/Emotional: Around the age of 1-2 children will begin to feel self-conscious but this can be greatly influenced by the interactions of an adult During toddlerhood children will begin to recognize that others feeling and emotions may be different from their own (Berk, 2013).

Moral Reasoning/Self-Regulation: By the age of two children have the capacity to understand induction. When a parent or caregiver is warm yet firm and explains behaviors at the childs capacity he will understand and sometimes comply (Berk, 2013). Toddlers have the ability to draw on daily routines to help regulate emotions and understand the emotions of others (Curtis & Carter. 2013). Cultural Factors that Influence Development: Fathers have a strong influence on toddlers development and feelings of attachment. A consistent relationship of warmth caring and playfulness will foster confidence and promote the ability to master challenges. Social Factors that Influence Development: Parenting greatly influences children ability to interact and socialize. Warm, positive, and supportive parenting will reduce factors that influence shyness in infants and toddlers. A-Typical Development: Language and communication develop most rapidly in childhood, especially before the age of 3. When hearing loss goes undetected, children are delayed in developing these skills (NICHCY, 2010). Strategies: Watch for signs of your childs inability to respond to language. If he does not respond to his name being called, or to loud noises it may be a cause for concern. Meet with your pediatrician immediately to seek a referral for intervention. Remember early intervention is critical to your childs development.

Berk, L.E. (2013). Child Development. Illinois State University. Pearson Education.

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