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Multiple Organization Configurations

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Application Setup


HR: Develo p an Orga niz ati on al Struct ur e ..................................................................1 GL: Define Sets of Books ..................................................................................................2 Define Location s .................................................................................................................. Define Busine s s Group ......................................................................................................! Define Orga niz ati on s an" Relation s #i p s ....................................................................$ Define Respo n si %ilities ......................................................................................................1 Set &O: Oper ati n g 'nit (rofile Option ........................................................................1 Replicat e See " Dat a for )e* Oper ati n g 'nits ........................................................2 +,ple , e n t t#e Application s (ro"uct s .........................................................................Secur e Balanci n g Seg , e n t .alues %/ Legal 0ntit/ ............................................... Run t#e &ulti1Org Set up .ali"ation Report 2reco , , e n " e " 3 ............................! +,ple , e n t Docu , e n t Se4u e n ci n g 2Option al3 .........................................................$ Define +nterco , p a n / Relation s 2Option al3 ................................................................5 Set 6op Reporting Level (rofile Option 2Option al3 .................................................7 Set 'p 8onflict Do, ai n s 2Option al3 .............................................................................9 Open an" 8lose " +ssue s ................................................................................................1: Open +ssue s ..................................................................................................................1: 8lose" +ssu e s ...............................................................................................................1:

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


HR: Develop an Organiza tional Structure

De&elop a ne' organization stru(ture for U) *usiness units+ in(luding ne' ,usiness -roup+ Set of ,oo.s+ Legal Entities+ Operating Units and Lo(ations"

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


GL: Define Sets of Books

General Ledger Super User: Setup > Financials > Books > Define
Use the Define Set of ,oo.s 'indo' to enter /our sets of *oo.s" 0ou should define sets of *oo.s *efore *usiness groups"
Option Set of Books S"ort !a# e Descrip tion $"art of %ccounts Function al $urrenc& $alend a r !a# e Future 'eriods 'eriod (&pe $losing $losing and (ranslatio n Revalu a ti o n Retain ed )arnings %ccoun t (ranslatio n %d*ust# e n t %ccount +ournaling Balance ,nterco # p a n & %ccoun ts +ournal %pproval +ournal )ntr& (aSuspense Suspense %ccoun t Rounding Differ e nc e Rounding Differ e nc e %ccount %verag e Balances )na.le %verag e Balances $onsolidatio n Set of Books (ransaction $alend a r !et ,nco#e %ccount (ranslatio n Rate (&pe /ain t ai n %#oun t (&pes %verag e Balances Budget a r & $ontrol )na.le Budget a r & $ontrol Re0uire Budget +ournals Reserve for )ncu#. r an ce /ultipl e Reportin g $urrenci es 'ri#ar & Set of Books alue !otes

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


Option Reportin g set of Books !ot %pplica.l e



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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


Define Locations
US HR /anage r: 1ork Structur es > Location
Use the Define Lo(ation 'indo' to define na1es and addresses for the lo(ations /ou use 'ithin /our enterprise" 0ou define ea(h lo(ation on(e onl/" This sa&es /ou ti1e if /ou ha&e 1ultiple organizations 'ith the sa1e lo(ation" 0ou should define lo(ations for /our legal entities and in&entor/ organizations" Ora(le Appli(ations produ(ts use lo(ations for re2uisitions+ re(ei&ing+ shipping+ *illing+ and e1plo/ee assign1ents"

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


Define Business Group

US HR /anage r: 1ork Structur es > Organiza tion > Description
To define a ne' *usiness group+ /ou need to set the ,usiness -roup profile option at the responsi*ilit/ le&el for the ne' *usiness group" Ora(le 3u1an $esour(es auto1ati(all/ (reates a se(urit/ profile 'ith the *usiness group na1e 'hen /ou define a ne' *usiness group" 0ou should define all /our *usiness groups *efore defining an/ other t/pe of organization"
Option !a# e (&pe Fro# (o Location ,ntern al or )-tern al Location %ddress Organiza tio n $lassifications ,usiness -roup )na.led 0es alue !otes

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


Define Organiza tions and Relations"ips

US HR /anage r: 1ork Structur es > Organiza tion > Description
Use the Define Organization 'indo' to define all /our organizations" 0ou (an perfor1 this step and the ne4t step 5Define Organization $elationships6 at the sa1e ti1e" The steps are presented separatel/ to e1phasize the differen(e *et'een the organizational entit/ and the role it pla/s in /our organizational stru(ture"

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


Define Responsi.ilities
S&ste # %d#inistr a to r: Securit& > Responsi.ilit& > Define
Use the Define $esponsi*ilit/ 'indo' to define responsi*ilities for ea(h operating unit */ appli(ation" 7hen /ou sign on to Ora(le Appli(ations+ the responsi*ilit/ /ou (hoose deter1ines the data+ for1s+ 1enus+ reports+ and (on(urrent progra1s /ou (an a((ess" 0ou should (onsider using na1ing (on&entions for the responsi*ilit/ na1es in a Multiple Organization en&iron1ent" It is a good idea to use a**re&iations of the *usiness fun(tion and the organization na1e to uni2uel/ identif/ the purpose of the responsi*ilit/"
!a#e %pplicatio n 2e& Data Group Data Group %pplication /enu Re0uest Group Re0uest Group %pplication

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


Set /O: Operating Unit 'rofile Option

S&ste # %d#inistr a to r: 'rofile > S&ste #
Ora(le Appli(ations uses the profile option MO: Operating Unit to lin. an operating unit to a responsi*ilit/" 0ou 1ust set this profile option for ea(h responsi*ilit/" 7hen /ou (onne(t to the Ora(le Appli(ations+ /ou sign on */ entering /our userna1e and pass'ord" Then+ /ou (hoose a responsi*ilit/ that is a&aila*le to /our user" After /ou (hoose /our responsi*ilit/+ there is an initialization routine that reads the &alues for all profile options assigned to that responsi*ilit/+ in(luding the &alue for MO: Operating Unit" Ora(le Appli(ations allo's /ou to see onl/ the infor1ation for that parti(ular operating unit that is assigned to /our responsi*ilit/" Set the 1ulti8 org profile options as follo's:
Responsi.ilit & GL Set of Books !a# e 'rofile alue

HR:Business Group

HR: Securi t& 'rofile

/O: Operati n g Unit

/O: Securit & 'rofile

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


Replicate Seed Data for !e3 Operating Units

As S/ste1 Ad1inistrator+ run the $epli(ate Seed Data pro(ess for all operating units" The Con&ert to Multiple Organization Ar(hite(ture option does not displa/ on the 1enu if /ou alread/ ha&e Multiple Organizations installed in /our data*ase" 0ou no longer need to run the Con&ert to Multiple Organizations Ar(hite(ture option again sin(e the Multiple Organizations ar(hite(ture is *uilt into the underl/ing appli(ations" The follo'ing profile options need to *e set for ea(h responsi*ilit/ for ea(h operating unit 'here appli(a*le: 3$: ,usiness -roup 5all responsi*ilities6 -L: Set of ,oo.s Na1e MO: Operating Unit MO: Se(urit/ Profile 3$: Se(urit/ Profile

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


,#ple #en t t"e %pplications 'roducts

After the steps a*o&e are (o1plete+ go into ea(h operating unit and set up the Ora(le Appli(ations produ(ts" The follo'ing produ(ts 1ust *e set up for ea(h operating unit in 'hi(h /ou intend to perfor1 the fun(tions" The appli(ation spe(ifi( (onfigurations 'ill *e do(u1ented in a separate do(u1ent" Ora(le Ora(le Ora(le Ora(le Ora(le Ora(le Ora(le Cash Manage1ent Pa/a*les Pro9e(ts Pur(hasing $e(ei&a*les Ti1e and La*or Internet E4penses

Ora(le Assets and Ora(le -eneral Ledger need to *e set up onl/ on(e for the installation+ not on(e for ea(h operating unit" To perfor1 these setup pro(edures+ follo' the instru(tions in the produ(t user guides"

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


Secure Balancing Seg#en t

alues .& Legal )ntit&

Use the Define Se(urit/ $ule 'indo' to (reate rules that se(ure data entr/ of *alan(ing seg1ent &alues for ea(h legal entit/" Ea(h se(urit/ rule is (o1posed of one or 1ore se(urit/ rule ele1ents that spe(if/ a range of &alues to in(lude or e4(lude"

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


Run t"e /ulti4Org Setup

alidation Report 5reco##en d e d 6

After /ou ha&e i1ple1ented Multiple Organizations+ run the Setup alidation $eport to identif/ an/ setup pro*le1s" So1e of the errors that the report finds 1a/ *e deleted optionall/ */ running this report+ 'hile others re2uire that /ou (hange /our setup" All suggested (hanges (an *e (onfir1ed optionall/ so that /ou 1a/ retain /our i1ple1entation e&en if it fails &alidation"

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


,#ple #en t Docu#en t Se0uencing 5Optional6

After /ou ha&e i1ple1ented Multiple Organizations and run the Multi:Org Setup alidation $eport+ /ou ha&e the option to set up do(u1ent se2uen(ing 5a (o11on re2uire1ent for European (ountries6 for ea(h appli(ation that supports do(u1ent se2uen(ing" Se2uen(e assign1ents are (ontrolled at the set of *oo.s le&el"

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


Define ,nterco#p an & Relations 5Optional6

This step is onl/ ne(essar/ 'hen using the Multiple Organization Inter(o1pan/ In&oi(ing fun(tionalit/" Inter(o1pan/ relations need to *e defined for ea(h Selling;Shipping relationship in /our organization" Defining these relationships 'ill allo' for the produ(tion of auto1ati( inter(o1pan/ in&oi(es" To ena*le this the follo'ing steps 1ust *e (o1pleted: Define Custo1ers Define Suppliers Define Transa(tion T/pe Define Inter(o1pan/ $elations Define Ora(le $e(ei&a*les S/ste1 Options Define Ora(le $e(ei&a*les In&oi(e ,at(h Sour(e Define Ora(le $e(ei&a*les In&oi(e Profile Options Define Ora(le Pa/a*les In&oi(e Profile Options Use the A((ount -enerator to generate the Cost of -oods Sold a((ount

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


Set (op Reporting Level 'rofile Option 5Optional6

S&ste # %d#inistr a to r: 'rofile > S&ste #
0ou need to define /our reporting le&els */ setting the MO: Top $eporting Le&el profile option" To do this+ /ou set /ou top reporting le&el to one of the follo'ing: Set of ,oo.s Legal Entit/ Operating Unit

0ou 'ill *e a*le to report on an/thing that is 'ithin the reporting le&el" The default &alue is Operating Unit"

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


Set Up $onflict Do#ains 5Optional6

A (onfli(t do1ain is an a*stra(t representation of the groupings used to partition /our data" 7hen a progra1 is listed as in(o1pati*le 'ith another+ the t'o progra1s (annot run si1ultaneousl/ in the sa1e (onfli(t do1ain" T'o in(o1pati*le (on(urrent progra1s 1a/ run si1ultaneousl/ if the/ are su*1itted in different (onfli(t do1ains" To 1a4i1ize the (on(urren(/ in a 1ultiple organization en&iron1ent+ /ou (an set up (onfli(t do1ains for /our operating units" All progra1s are assigned a (onfli(t do1ain 'hen the/ are su*1itted" The follo'ing deter1ines the (onfli(ts do1ain /ou use 'hen /ou su*1it a (on(urrent re2uest: The &alue of the (on(urrent progra1 para1eter 'hi(h is defined as Confli(t Do1ain para1eter The &alue of the Con(urrent: Confli(ts Do1ain profile option If /ou do not define an/ (onfli(t do1ain+ the Standard (onfli(t do1ain is used"

(o define a profile option conflict do#ain: !" Define Con(urrent Confli(t Do1ains" An/ alphanu1eri( string (an *e used as a Confli(ts Do1ain na1e" 0ou (an use an operating unit na1e+ a legal entit/ na1e+ or a set of *oo.s na1e as the do1ain na1e" 0ou are allo'ed to define as 1an/ as do1ains as /ou need" Sin(e /ou (annot delete (onfli(ts do1ains+ /ou should .eep the do1ains to a ne(essar/ 1ini1u 1" <" Set the Con(urrent: Confli(ts Do1ain profile option The profile (an *e set at Site+ Appli(ation+ $esponsi*ilit/ and User le&els"

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


Open and $losed ,ssues

Open ,ssues
1. =Des(ription of issue >

$losed ,ssues
!" =Des(ription of issue >

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HR: Develop an Organiza tion al Structur e


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